I know plenty of actresses in their early thirties who look amazing, although there's that old saying: 'Ladies get older, men get more distinguished.'
Validation comes to us in two ways: through trials we overcome, and through the words of older men.
Men become much more attractive when they start looking older. But it doesn't do much for women, though we do have an advantage: make-up.
Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss.
Hank McCoy: The power's back on. [Charles has communicated with his older self] Charles Xavier: Yes. Yes, it is.
Middle age is such a low point for well-being; it's at the bottom of a U-shaped curve that shows greater happiness among the younger and older people.
I'm afraid men are not always quite as clever as they think they are. You will learn that when you get a bit older, my girl.
Thank God we're not like America. Everyone wants to look like they're 20. In Europe we admire grown-up women; I think men revere older women.
How do I think the industry's changed? Films have changed a lot. I think women are finally able to get older and be sexy just like men. So I'm really enjoying that part - that's my evolution.
Don Quixote is one that comes to mind in comparison to mine, in that they both involve journeys undertaken by older men. That is unusual, because generally the hero of a journey story is very young.
It's taken me to be an older guy, an old man, to have an old man's voice. Because I only liked old men's voices. As a kid, I didn't like pip-squeaked singers.
What older men and younger women have in common is they are both suffering from different insecurities. She is looking for someone to make her feel safe, and he is looking for someone who doesn't answer back and is a trophy.
If you are a 19-year-old woman, there are very specific things that directors and the people in positions of power in the industry - who tend to be older men - are going to want you to be and do. They are not going to want some chatty, difficult, sli...
Stages are getting higher and higher, and I'm getting older and older.
I’m into older women, because all women are older women. Every second the woman you love is an older woman.
Thou shalt not commit adultry is a command which makes no distinction between the following persons. They are all required to obey it: children at birth. Children in the cradle. School children. Youths and maidens. Fresh adults. Older ones. Men and w...
As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes ...
You'll understand me when you're older. Then you'll see how men can blind you. And I mean blind you. To the point that you're no longer yourself.
Kaffee: You're Aunt Ginny? Aunt Ginny Miller: Uh-huh. Kaffee: I'm sorry, I was expecting someone older. Aunt Ginny Miller: So was I.
It slaps your dignity just right. I loved the idea of these proud, dignified black men, and I saw the older ones wounded, and it wounded me ten times as much because I couldn't stand seeing them hurt like this.
Time makes you bolder, children get older, and I'm getting older too.