Do you come from old money, new money, or no money?
You are only old once, but you can be immature forever.
It is a rare and difficult attainment to grow old gracefully and happily.
However, that old mode of Polish filmmaking virtually disappeared.
You get old, you slow down.
Old is always fifteen years from now.
I'm too young for Medicare and too old for broads to care.
I got into politics when I was eight years old.
You never too old to Become wiser ! T.B
That's all gone, now, the old, Hollywood.
Guys are idiots, till they're what, 40 years old.
Of an old tale which every schoolboy knows.
It's important to have a dream no matter how old you are.
The Old Vic is a beautiful theater to work in. It's quite a large house, but it has a feeling of intimacy.
I have an old saying that the harder I work, the luckier I get.
There's no one way to be creative. Any old way will work.
The old saying that war is a racket has taken on an even more shameful meaning.
Because women never say what they think.
Men may be stronger, but it is women who endure.
Women eat ice-cream, men toast marshmallows.
Gay men are French women...with penises.