It isn't that women are less ambitious, but women want to find a balance between work, love, and family.
White women love me 'cause of my edge. And I love white women.
They sign a bunch of women, and they call it a movement. I don't like the way women in music have been identified as women first and musicians second.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal.
I don't think women are better than men, I think men are a lot worse than women.
I think that Saudi women are very powerful. And I think that Saudi men are the greatest support to Saudi women.
In our civilization, men are afraid that they will not be men enough and women are afraid that they might be considered only women.
Women's stories are valid, and they need to be developed in a way that appeals to a broader audience. And what is 'women's television' other than TV that women would enjoy watching?
I grew up with all mothers, all women. I come from a long line of matriarchs, very strong women.
It's only women who are not really quite women at all, frivolous women who have no idea, who neglect repairs.
[The] women's movement has been a blessing in many ways. [But] even as we have gained more physical and social opportunities, we are more spiritually and emotionally enslaved than ever in other arenas. Why? Because Satan has cleverly switched one for...
Women and men who have established no-lie relationships talk about them with reverence, even when they are not permanent and, in fact, even when they are not romantic. Why? In the no-lie relationship there is acceptance of who each partner is, rather...
Now, should we treat women as independent agents, responsible for themselves? Of course. But being responsible has nothing to do with being raped. Women don’t get raped because they were drinking or took drugs. Women do not get raped because they w...
The effect of legalised prostitution on women outside prostitution is to lower the status of all women. Women are recognised by the state in this system as the appropriate objects of male penetration with no consideration for their personhood or plea...
I dreamed a thousand new paths. I woke and walked my old one.
People fool themselves. They pray for a long life but fear old age.
My old man's a white old man And my old mother's black. If ever I cursed my white old man I take my curses back. If ever I cursed my black old mother And wished she were in hell, I'm sorry for that evil wish And now i wish her well My old man died in...
When people talk about the good old days, I say to people, 'It's not the days that are old, it's you that's old.' I hate the good old days. What is important is that today is good.
People are always talking about the old days. They say that the old movies were better, that the old actors were so great. But I don't think so. All I can say about the old days is that they have passed.
They rode up the faint marks of the old trace where thousands of sojourners walking and riding both had crossed it and before them the buffalo far back in time. She joined the stream of humanity that had gone down that road, just one more story in a ...
Royal summoned mourners. They came from the village, from the neighboring hills and, wailing like dogs at midnight, laid siege to the house. Old women beat their heads against the walls, moaning men prostrated themselves: it was the art of sorrow, an...