I focus on a lot of women's issues.
And I would urge all women to have that regular mammogram.
All women in Hollywood are known as sex symbols.
The women's movement ruined a permanent vacation.
A lot of women feel ashamed to be weak.
Women, we might as well be dogs baying the moon as petitioners without the right to vote!
In Hollywood, women hate each other.
Silence is an ornament for women.
Seventy-five percent of MS sufferers are women.
I am more into guys' fashion, but I'm inspired by women's fashion in a weird way.
What I've learned is you treat women right.
Women have been kicking ass for centuries.
He could hear his knees crack, and it made him feel old. You had to live so terribly long to actually be old, but Sebastien was starting to wonder if people began to feel that way quite a bit earlier, and spent their lives waiting for their bodies to...
Every new day comes with a new joy, a new plan and a new life, all to be directed by the same old God! You need a new dream, a new passion and a new hope to pursue your old destiny!
Aw I don't wanta go to no such thing, I just wanta drink in alleys.'... But you'll miss all that, just for some old wine.' There's wisdom in wine, goddam it!' I yelled. 'Have a shot!
Deep down, the young are lonelier than the old.' I read that in a book somewhere and it's stuck in my head. Maybe it's true. Maybe it's not true. More likely, the young and the old are lonely in different ways, in their own ways...
The attempt to prevent our kids from struggling for fear it might scar their permanent records is, instead, scarring them for life.
There is nothing more powerful than a witch who knows how to contain her power. Standing comfortably within its mystery and allure.
No old road leads to new destinations! Change begins when one realizes that it is unwise to pour a new wine into an old wine skin. If you change your mind, you have to change your actions too!
A thankful and a contented spirit is a continual feast. We ought to be contented, and we shall be contented, if we are in the habit of seeing God in everything, and living upon Him day by day. Oh, for a spirit of true thankfulness!
I’m 33, and an 18-year-old girl called me old. I said, “You may be temporarily young, but you’ll forever be childish.” Then I put gum in her hair.