Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.
A man has only one escape from his old self: to see a different self in the mirror of some woman's eyes.
A man has only one escape from his old self — to see a different self in the mirror of some woman's eyes.
You can call me an older woman - I don't mind that at all - just don't call me an old one, because I'm not.
The misery of a child is interesting to a mother, the misery of a young man is interesting to a young woman, the misery of an old man is interesting to nobody.
Honey: You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman.
I studied journalism at university, and I started a little bit of work on a woman's magazine called Minx that was aimed at 18- to 24-year-olds.
Ought a woman to disclose her frailties earlier than the wedding day? Few husbands, I assure you, make the discovery in such good season, and still fewer complain that these trifles are concealed too long. Well, what a strange man you are! Poh! you a...
If I can challenge old ideas about aging, I will feel more and more invigorated. I want to represent this new way. I want to be a new version of the 70-year-old woman. Vital, strong, very physical, very agile. I think that the older I get, the more y...
Every time we cheer the downfall of a powerful woman, we're giving ourselves the message that power is bad and we shouldn't desire it. Every time we revel in a beautiful woman's aging or weight gain, we reinforce the idea that we, too, are less valua...
The playboy is not necessarily a man who has many girlfriends, or a man who has many women, or a man who has slept with many women. That is old. But there is a new breed of the playboy and he is the man who remains single in attempts to make every wo...
When I was maybe five or six years old, a woman down the flattened by a train. When I got older I realized it probably wasn't an accident. It was a late train and she was so sick and swollen with age she could barely move, so what the he...
I am thinking about the way that life can be so slippery; the way that a twelve-year-old girl looking into the mirror to count freckles reaches out toward herself and that reflection has turned into that of a woman on her wedding day, righting her ve...
Moses: You know it is death to strike an Egyptian? Joshua: I know it. Moses: Yet you struck him. Why? Joshua: To save the old woman. Moses: What is she to you? Joshua: An old woman. [Joshua was defending his Hebrew race] Egyptian guard: Lord Prince, ...
In 1895, Ann Strong declared in the Minneapolis Tribune that bicycles were "just as good company as most husbands" and that when a bicycle gets shabby or old a woman could "dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community.
Women's lib, Frannie had decided, was nothing more nor less than an outgrowth of the technological society. Women were at the mercy of their bodies. They were smaller. They tended to be weaker. A man couldn't get with child, but a woman could---every...
[the Comanchero leader has stopped his men from raping Laura Lee] Comanchero Leader: You damn fools! Ten Bears gonna want him a fresh woman. Fresh, that little gal will bring ten, maybe twelve horses. Now, if one of you has to, you can take that old ...
She's an old soldier's woman, and she has antennae for things that often escape the officer in the field.
What is a woman that you forsake her And the hearth fire and the home acre To go with that old grey widow-maker?
As the old joke goes, I have all the sins together. I am a woman, a Socialist, separated and agnostic.
Imagine a judicial nominee said 'my experience as a white man makes me better than a Latina woman.' Wouldn't they have to withdraw? New racism is no better than old racism.