I simply write with an intelligent reader in mind. I don't think about how old they are.
Robert CormierI grew up in a world that was clannish - old Tasmanian-Irish families with big extended families.
Richard FlanaganMy creative process involves that old saying: It's 90% perspiration and only 10% inspiration.
Rosabeth Moss KanterAll you hear Catholics turning out these days are pop versions of the old Protestant anthems.
Richard MorrisEver wonder why the media never refers to 18 or 19 year old American soldiers as "armed teens"?
Stefan MolyneuxI recognize how lucky I am as an actor. I've been working as an actor since I was 9 years old.
Sara RueEven though I get older, what I do never gets old, and that's what I think keeps me hungry.
Steven Spielberg