Markl: Wait! You can't come up here! Old Sophie: Whatever you don't want me to clean, better hide it now! Markl: Save my room for last, OK?
Ringo: Funny, really, 'cause I'd never thought of it, but being middle-aged and old takes up most of your time, doesn't it? Grandfather: You're only right.
Elwood P. Dowd: Here, let me give you one of my cards. Now if you should ever want to call me, call me at this number. Don't call me at that one, that's the old one.
Elwood P. Dowd: Oh, you can't miss him Mrs. Chumley. He's a Pooka. Mrs. Hazel Chumley: A Pooka? Is that something new? Elwood P. Dowd: No. No, as I understand it that's something very old.
Caretaker Argus Filch: A pity they let the old punishments die. Was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming.
Cate Wilson: Hachi? Hachi? Oh, old thing! You're still waiting. That's right. If it's all right, could I wait with you for the next train? Yeah? Thanks.
[Cooper returns to see Murph as an old woman] Cooper: It was me, Murph... I was your ghost. Murph: I know. Nobody believed me. They thought I was doing it all myself. Murph: [pointing to the watch] But I knew who it was.
Mike Wallace: [to Hezbollah Head Gunman] What the hell do you think I am? A 78 year-old assassin? You think I'm gonna karate him to death with this notepad?
Tom Robinson: I can't use my left hand at all. I got it caught in a cotton gin when I was twelve years old. All my muscles were tore loose.
Denethor: No tomb for Denethor and Faramir. No long, slow sleep of death embalmed. We shall burn, like the heathen kings of old. Bring wood and oil.
Old Lodge Skins: You make all things and direct them in their ways, oh Grandfather, and now, you have decided the Human Beings will soon walk a road that leads nowhere.
Jack Crabb: I don't understand it, grandfather, why would they kill women and children? Old Lodge Skins: Because they are strange. They do not seem to know where the center of the Earth is.
Old Waiter: [Hearing one side of a phone conversation] Hey Max, who's your favorite uncle? Okay, your second favorite uncle? Okay never mind, just listen...
Treebeard: You must understand, young Hobbit, it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say.
Dr. Yen Lo: I'm sure you've all heard the old wives' tale that no hypnotized subject may be forced to do that which is repellent to his moral nature, whatever that may be. Nonsense of course.
Vin: What're you gonna do when Calvera comes? Old Man: At my age, a little excitement is welcome. Don't worry. Why would he kill me? Bullets cost money.
Harlequin Demon: [singing] Won't they be impressed, I am a ge-ni-us! See how I transform this old rat inTO a most deLIGHTful hat!
Duke: Allie was surprised how quickly she fell in love with Lon Hammond. He was handsome, smart, funny, sophisticated, and charming. He also came from old Southern money and was fabulously wealthy.
Clark Griswald: So, this is the old homestead, eh? Cousin Eddie: Yeah. I don't know for how much longer, though. The bank's been after me like flies on a rib roast.
Clark: Oh Ellen, the old west was dirty. Everything isn't like home. If everything were like home, there would be no reason for leaving home. Right, Rusty?
[Levy suggested that writers could be eliminated and any old news story could provide a movie story idea] Bonnie Sherow: "Further Bond Losses Push Dow Down 7.15." I see Connery as Bond.