Elliott Carter does not write the kind of music that the kids go off to school whistling.
When I went to school, it was really just to immerse myself in listening to, studying, and making music.
Schools, the first thing they cut is music programs. They don't realize how important music is to kids.
I had always loved to write and my mom was my editor for my school papers.
I was class mom at the preschool one year and I was pretty much asked not to do that again!
When I was in Taiwan, I was taught in school that Taiwan is part of China.
I'm a producer for fun. I'm not a professional schooled musician or anything.
Apparently when I went to school, I had a Glasgow accent.
There will always be someone being picked on at school, and it's not going to go away.
I felt alienated at school, and I never did well with girls.
I'm from the school of, 'if you want more, you have to require more from yourself.'
There is only one school of literature - that of talent.
I would have been miserable in college. I always hated school.
So, after school, I needed to learn a trade and started to work as a tailor.
We pay when old for the excesses of youth.
I've always looked old for my age.
I play blues old-timey style.
I'm an old fashioned theater major at heart.
I was in 30-plus clubs when I was 14 years old.
I haven't danced since 1973; I'm too old.
Oh yah, I'm definitely an old rocker.