I do not expect old heads on young shoulders.
You know, like that old Catch 42 expression that stands for
He was six years old this time, and ancient.
There's an old saying, Zill. Freedom can't be given, only earned.
Take it from an old cadaver. Let go of the past.
The old sleep poorly. Perhaps they stand watch.
The old me is younger than the new me, the me now.
I've been performing on stage since I was six years old.
Keep up the old standards, and day by day raise them higher.
Prejudices are not easily got rid of as an old coat which is no longer thought of.
I used to hang out with a bunch of old punk rockers when I was a little kid.
she will never grow old, her heart is too beautiful.
How is it possible for me to feel so young and so old at the same time?
I'm just going to have to grow old, because I'm too terrified to have anything done.
Well, little old Noisyville-on-the Subway is good enough for me.
You know you're old when someone compliments you on your alligator shoes, and you're barefoot.
If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old
We all get old, but I always say the skinny, pretty girls will be screwed.
And like the old stereotype, I overcame my shyness by making my friends laugh.
I guess I'd like to get old and die, in that order.
Shoe Suede Blues is ten years old this year. The Band consists of four members.