Sad old blokes, I'm told, now dream of me with a whip in hand.
If I miss anything about the sport, it's the camaraderie of old teammates.
I'm just an old hippie. You know, peace and love.
I don't know how many 78-year-olds are listening to 98 Degrees music.
Seek not to follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they sought.
My first computer was a Commodore 64. I got it as a present from my mom when I was eight years old, and all I wanted to do with that computer was play games.
My mom's hot. I mean she's old, but my mom's out of control.
I don't want to slam the cute and fun movies out there, but it gets old.
I have an old brain but a terrific memory.
I don't have this feeling that 70 is really old.
Yoga competition is an old Indian tradition.
I put a Phrygian cap on the old dictionary.
I really have fans that are from 14 or 15 years old to 60.
There was no way to have a civilized conversation with that guy. It's like he was raised by giraffes or something.
Nothing says 'Hi, neighbor!' like killing a guy's flying reptile.
All these handsome guys are the same. When they're done combing their goddam hair, they beat it on you.
Maybe they have some new line of contacts that gives cute guys an alien, jeweled feel.
Camouflage doesn't help when the other guy is willing to defoliate the whole jungle.
I thought guys were complicated. Maybe they are. But maybe they're easy and it's really me who's complicated.
Del Usion If you knew the person He thinks he is You'd have to admit He's one very special guy.
I spent a good amount of my time - like a lot of guys my age - obsessing and blowing things up with G.I. Joes. I know it well.