Until I feel strong enough to pray sincerely and to act accordingly, I would rather not pray at all.
I can't think of anyone who is up on evolutionary psychology and related areas who is deluded enough to be called a utopian.
If you look at me close enough, there's a small resemblance to a chicken nugget. I don't know if it's my skin texture or my hair, but the resemblance is definitely there.
I was fortunate enough to visit a lot of beautiful places around the world. The most astonishing and memorable experiences were my trips to Africa and Australia.
It is true what Rimbaud said; If you think a book is strong enough, try it at the ocean, in the wind, at the waves. If the book can resist the ocean, then it exists. Otherwise, throw it away.
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them.
No book can ever be finished. While working on it we learn just enough to find it immature the moment we turn away from it
Yes, I now that you feel you are not strong enough. That's what the enemy thinks too. But we're gonna fool them.
A passionate look, touch or a hug on a plant is enough to open your inner eyes than going for a serious yoga and other therapies
Clever is when one is crafty enough to mistake your imagination for intelligence. Smart is when one assumes they are too educated to notice the difference.
I don't know if I practiced more than anybody, but I sure practiced enough. I still wonder if somebody - somewhere - was practicing more than me.
It's nice, because after you've worked with various directors and producers enough times, they start to know your voice and what you're capable of.
You can't start worrying about what's going to happen. You get spastic enough worrying about what's happening now.
Film is a very collaborative medium. If you're smart enough, you learn how to maintain your vision while drawing resourcefully from all the people around you.
The world presents enough problems if you believe it to be a world of law and order; do not add to them by believing it to be a world of miracles.
I tell my students that if you have enough preparation, you can handle the big interviews. You won't be intimidated.
No matter how many books you own, you can never own enough. Reading books is the best addiction anyone can have.
I don't think there are really enough meetings in Britain for our athletes to compete properly, and because of this a lot of the talent we have has been stunted.
Collections aren't really planned. I just keep writing short pieces until I have enough for a collection.
It doesn't matter how much his mother loves him; love is not enough to keep any of us alive.
I wanted to play piano, and that slid quickly into writing - it wasn't enough to play other people's notes: I had to write notes too.