I started out playing ukulele when I was 5 or 6 years old.
Old beliefs die hard even when demonstrably false.
Every woman feels she is too old and has missed the boat.
Suddenly you're like a pirate, you're 65 years old and you've got an earring.
Old guys can still do fun things.
Old dogs lives longer by learning new tricks
An old dog lives longer when it learns new tricks
An old dog lives longer by learning new tricks
They realized I was alive again, even though I was playing an old, dying sop.
I know it sounds absurd, but 11 months old, I did my first commercial.
Obviously, I did a couple of things right on the old casting couch.
Old maids sweeten their tea with scandal.
I'm a comedy snob, and I never want anything that I do to get old.
A woman is as old as she looks before breakfast.
My son was three months old when I started filming 'The Hobbit,' and I was still breastfeeding.
Maybe I'm old-school, but I always thought you honor a contract.
When I go out with my 16-year-old friends, I don't wear Chanel.
I was really into punk. I was 11 years old; I had a blue mohican.
One kid's old, used-up equipment is another kid's brand-new, awesome, awesome equipment.
It's a long old road, but I know I'm gonna find the end.
Better die an old maid, sister, than marry the wrong man.