Even my stuntman is old.
My mother served me wine and water from the time I was 3 years old.
I want a '57 Starfire Olds.
When you have read a book for the first time, you get to know a friend; read it for a second time and you meet an old friend.
The last day of your life is still going to be a day.
The trouble with law is lawyers.
The harder I train every day on the track and in the gym, the more trust I gain in myself.
The best kind of day is a writing day
I have a lot of bad days.
The day of birth is a miraculous day.
I'm a present-day Yoda in stilettos.
Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday.
I find day after day of sunshine boring.
I speak to God every day.
Each day a day goes by.
I eat three meals a day and three juices a day.
There is pressure every day as a footballer.
It is not women's liberation, it is women's and men's liberation.
I get to surf every day.
That’s why we all hate ’em, he thought. Those expressionless eyes watch us, those big faces turn to follow us, and doesn’t it just look as if they’re making notes and taking names? If you heard that one had bashed in someone’s head over in ...
Sweetheart, I’ve been there with you through all of it. I was the one who camped out with you in that old tree house for days on end and held you after your mom died. It was me who sat with you while we waited for your sister to come out of the sur...