Four important pillars of life: Your country Your parents Your family and your health
The city is the size of a country, but has been operated like a candy store.
Such then is the human condition, that to wish greatness for one's country is to wish harm to one's neighbors.
It appears from Mr. Smith's account that there is no scarcity of buffalo as he penetrated the country.
On my passage thither, I discovered nothing remarkable in the features of the country.
There is no reason, in the capital city of the richest country in the world, for anybody to be hungry.
The disease of an evil conscience is beyond the practice of all the physicians of all the countries in the would.
In this country you can say aloud or publish just about anything you like.
When I started at XCRF in 1960, Mexico was the most lenient country in the world when it came to radio.
Any country that wants to lower its mobile phone rates, all they need to do is bring in an aggressive player.
While only one day of the year is dedicated solely to honoring our veterans, Americans must never forget the sacrifices that many of our fellow countrymen have made to defend our country and protect our freedoms.
There are the manufacturing multitudes of England; they must have work, and find markets for their work; if machines and the Black Country are ugly, famine would be uglier still.
The Companion of Honour I regarded as an award from the country for 50 years of work - which I thought was okay.
We have an immigration system in this country that not only doesn't work, in many cases it doesn't even make any sense.
I find it very beautiful to work in different countries because I see the mentality differences there. It is so rich, one always carries forward something.
They wanted to make her less rural, less of a cartoon. Not that Southern woman are cartoonish - they're the strongest women in this country, but with Val they wanted to take the stereotypical things out.
I work for the Global Fund for Women, an organization that is actively supporting women's rights groups in 160 countries around the world.
You cannot contract to sell a baby. If they legalize this contract they may soon start bringing poor women in from other countries just to be breeders.
Every country that has experimented with women in actual combat has abandoned the idea, and the notion that Israel uses women in combat is a feminist myth.
What is the 'noble cause' for which you sent our country to war?
On the contrary, all the world would point to that nation as violating a treaty, by going to war with a country with whom they had engaged to enter into arbitration.