I say the same thing about the death of James Wait. "Oh, well -- he wasn't going to write the Beethoven's Ninth Symphony anyway.
Angela turned in her chair. Resting her chin on folded hands, the mirror reflected the look of a girl in love. ‘Oh, what a blessing fate has bestowed on me.
Oh.” Timmie gave Bones a shy peek. “Are you Cathy’s brother?” “Whatever would give you the idea that I’m her damn brother?” Bones snapped.
Let's just say you may regret that second piece of cake.' Oh my God. Regret cake? Whatever was about to happen must be truly evil.
Oh, of course," said Ron, clapping a hand to his forehead. "I forgot we'll be hunting down Voldemort in a mobile library.
A brick is blocking my urethra. But it’s not painful, because my penis is just that big. Oh yes, it’s as big as this lie is.
You're not a nuthatch, Laurie." "Oh, but I am. I'm totally upside down. I'm a very backward kind of guy.
Are you insinuatin' that my daughter is a liar?" "Oh, no, not at all. I'm saying your daughter is a liar. Surely you can appreciate the difference.
I need another drink!” I said as a second attempt to change the subject. “Shots!” America yelled. Shepley rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah. That’s what you need, another shot.
What's the problem?" "You. All shirtless and stuff. My dragon won't let me fight you." Oh, God. It was so embarrassing even admitting it.
Have you ever considered that there might be something wrong with your brain? Oh, I think there might be something wrong with everyone else’s.
Oh, darling, that’s what love is. It’s some power greater than you and me, that draws us to one special person.
Oh, come on!’ Percy complained. ‘I get a little nosebleed and I wake up the entire earth? That’s not fair!
Bricks could be used to feed the homeless. But why not use those bricks to build the homeless people homes? Oh yeah, because that’s not the sort of smart decision DC makes.
Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want a fan club? You are right. I loved the movie, and you were perfect in it, you were absolutely amazing. Definitely Oscar material.
Oh words, what crimes are committed in your name? ~Jack or The Submission
The City is free of sin The snow has given it absolution A man who slips A horse that falls Oh no, the city is in a nightgown
I thought I'd lie on the floor and writhe in pain for a while," he grunted, "It relaxes me." "It does? Oh - you're being sarcastic. That's a good sign probably.
Rain" Oh amiable rain Washer of trees and roofs who has prepared them for the pink ray of evening ("Poems")
Oh, I don't think Tom Sowell would tell anybody to join the administration. That's not his style. But I think his attitude has always been if it had to be done he'd prefer me to do it than somebody else.
In 'The Big Chill,' those characters are in middle age, thinking, 'Oh, God, I've turned into my parents. I've failed.' And in 'Beside Still Waters,' we're showing the struggles of people who actually want to be like their parents and feel they can't ...