Wars spring from unseen and generally insignificant causes, the first outbreak being often but an explosion of anger.
Fashion often starts off beautiful and becomes ugly, whereas art starts off ugly sometimes and becomes beautiful.
People say conversation is a lost art; how often I have wished it were.
Fame is the echo of actions, resounding them to the world, save that the echo repeats only the last art, but fame relates all, and often more than all.
Universal opinions are often mistaken for universal principles
The ones who stay unnoticed often see the most. They live out other people's lives, since their own are so unremarkable...
Teasing is very often a sign of inner misery.
Betray a friend, and you'll often find you have ruined yourself.
The strongest and most mysterious weeds often have things to teach us.
Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked
Pictures deface walls more often than they decorate them.
The rights of others often begins with the fight for justice of one.
The truth of history often likes to conceal itself in small coincidences.
Men of passion and vision are often seen as mad.
When witnesses concoct lies, they often miss the obvious.
Clichés so often befall vain people.
Spoken often enough, words become [became] nonsense.
We should often feel ashamed of our best actions if the world could see all the motives which produced them.
Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments.
Though sleep is called our best friend, it is a friend who often keeps us waiting!
Public and employer opinion often defeat society's best interests with a prejudice against middle-aged women.