The tides which flow and lapse in the Bristol Channel are often distained by the freshets of many streams falling through wooded coombes below the moor.
Americans have been taught that their nation is civilized and humane. But, too often, U.S. actions have been uncivilized and inhumane.
At PETA, we often say that the issue of how animals are treated isn't just about them; it's about us, how we behave.
The beautiful heroine might be thinking, How long must I bury my face on this wretched man's shoulder? Such is not the always the case, but quite often it is.
You know in my own area of Waltham Forest, we've had many murders as a result of the gang violence and often innocent bystanders get caught up in it.
Tragedy often gives birth to courage, it offers man a platform to change what will be." Eli Storm, Emanuel Stone And The Phoenix Shadow
Learning how to learn involves examining assumptions. Mulla Nasrudin tales very often fulfil this funcition.
Well, I try to not view things through a prism of anti-Semitism, because often, people will use that as a sort of knee-jerk reaction to any criticism of Jews.
Today, the PC is often still considered just a tool, but together we need to make it a lot more than that. We need to make it a path to experiences.
Generally speaking I would say I enjoy the smaller films more because there's a less sense of pressure and often the material is more unusual.
Will we fight or will we retreat? That is the question that is posed to us. Some of my friends on the other side of the aisle often refer to Iraq as a distraction.
Consequently it will often happen there will be a desire of particular objects, in cases where they cannot be obtained without manifest injury to others.
I write across genres so I see them, more often, as complementary instead of separated by boundaries.
I started coming to L.A. as often as I could, for three months on and three months off, because immigration kicks you out after 90 days.
Many of the cognitive enhancement drugs serve to increase focus and concentration. But 'letting your mind wander' is very often an important part of the creative process.
While short sellers probably will never be popular on Wall Street, they often are the ones wearing the white hats when it comes to looking for and identifying the bad guys!
We are all wrong so often that it amazes me that we can have any conviction at all over the direction of things to come. But we must.
The pattern of things was that each of the research students would be doing some particular experiment on the accelerator, often involving the building of counters or a system like that.
Very often I'll find out at the end of a book what I put in at the beginning. A sort of process of elimination and discovery in one.
We often concentrate on the negative side of the humanity, but humanity is growing, maturing every day, and to sign the song of a better future.
The rabbi is often the regular preacher in the synagogue, the man whose sermons offer his community more general theological and moral guidance.