What the world stigmatizes as romantic is often more nearly allied to the truth than is commonly supposed.
Pride works frequently under a dense mask, and will often assume the garb of humility.
I'm quite a curious person. I don't mind being the one who doesn't know things, a role I often play in QI.
Science of yoga and ayurveda is subtler than the science of medicine, because science of medicine is often victim of statistical manipulation.
The wit, wisdom and insights of a different person are often unpalatable, weird and absurd to the senses of many ordinary people.
If the road is not patchy, rough and on a hilly terrain, then the journey is not often worth undertaking as all destinations are already enough crowded
But remember, great Good will, more often than not, lead to great Evil.
I often think of random melodies. And I pretty much hear in my head what I want to do with the orchestra as I'm writing on the piano.
I often stood and stared into those tunnels and thought about what happened there; how I was separated from it only by time." - The Procession
If you hear how wonderful you are often enough, you begin to believe it, no matter how you try to resist it.
I have often seen an actor laugh off the stage, but I don't remember ever having seen one weep.
What passes for real debate in Washington often seems more like an echo chamber, with politicians talking at politicians.
I've often thought that the gauntlet of American politics is more individualistic, more expensive, more unpredictable than in many other democracies.
During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism.
Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise.
Despite a voluminous and often fervent literature on "income distribution," the cold fact is that most income is not distributed: It is earned.
It is still beautiful to hear the heart beat but often the shadow seems more real than the body.
Today a record producer is even more involved and is often the production's sole musician, one person playing all the instruments one-by-one.
Good manners will often take people where neither money nor education will take them.
Fond memories are some of the richest possessions you can have. They never wear away no matter how often you reuse them !
The worst things always happen at night, and oftener than one would think on stormy nights. ("The Compensation House")