The Earth has been lawned with life for something over 3.5 billion years. That's a span of time great enough to encompass some honest-to-goodness catastrophe. For example, 700 million years ago, Earth underwent a planet-wide deep freeze, with ice cov...
No, I'm not very productive at all. I'm probably like an animal. I mean, great animals in the ocean feed all the time. I'm someone who procrastinates, worries, for most of a month, and then I'll have a flurry of manic productivity with a sense of gre...
Cultures have long heard wisdom in non-human voices: Apollo, god of music, medicine and knowledge, came to Delphi in the form of a dolphin. But dolphins, which fill the oceans with blipping and chirping, and whales, which mew and caw in ultramarine j...
I've been collecting articles on extremophile bacteria for at least the last ten years. I find them fascinating, whether they live in boiling pools at Yellowstone, around thermal vents at the floors of the oceans, or on Mars, where NASA has been sear...
Everybody wants to support his own region and economy and farming. If we can preserve the land and if we can preserve the ocean, we all know, deep inside that we're doing the right thing.
When we consider the fact that nearly three-quarters of the surface of the globe is covered by oceanic water, we begin to realise that the molecular scattering of light in liquids may possess an astronomical significance, in fact contribute in an imp...
Several groups have information evaluating seafood sustainability. I wrote the first such guide, and seafood pocket-guides and detailed evaluations of different seafoods are available for download from the group I founded, Blue Ocean Institute.
if my love were an ocean , There would be no more land. If my love were a desert , You would see only sand. If my love were a star- Late at night, only light. And if my love could grow wings , I'd be soaring in flight.
I kind of quit surfing when I got out of high school, but then a few years ago I started to take it up again. I'm not an expert by any means, but it's so wonderful to get out in the ocean and get a different perspective on things.
Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable sh...
struck by the pain of the ice and the rage of the water below that was forced to make room for the huge piece of frozen time, the glacier, trapped in a solid state for centuries, melting into the ocean and becoming one with its future. She feels smal...
I'm not sure whether Los Angeles borders on the ocean or on oblivion. I always feel that I'm two steps away from the other side when I'm out there. It's more like a vacation place or a place to visit than a place to hunker down.
I don't like the idea of being eaten by a shark. I like to swim in the ocean, and I think much more about sharks than anyone should. I really resent the fact that my oceangoing experiences are ruined by 'Jaws.'
I run three to four times a week. I go down to Orange County in California and I run all the time... all the time. You see the oceans, the trees. I like running in hot weather. I like to sweat and get all those toxins out of my system. I thoroughly e...
Reuben: Look, we all go way back and uh, I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place and I'll never forget it. Danny: That was our pleasure. Rusty: I'd never been to Belize.
Rusty: [on Danny walking out of prison in a loosened black-tie suit] I hope you were the Groom. Danny: [on Rusty's attire for picking him up from prison] Ted Nugent called, he wants his shirt back.
Rusty: [impersonating a doctor] I'm sorry. He's gone. Virgil Malloy: [as he and Turk enter, impersonating paramedics] Man, I told you to run. Turk Malloy: Don't do that. Virgil Malloy: What, I didn't tell you to run?
Danny: We'll need Saul. Rusty: He won't do it. He got out of the game a year ago. Danny: Get religion? Rusty: Ulcers. Danny: ...You could ask him. Rusty: Hey, I could ask him.
[watching Linus trapped on the upper floor by security guards] Virgil Malloy: Shouldn't someone help him? Basher: Oh, that's a good idea, Rabbit. Let's hop out of the van and we can all get nicked!
Turk Malloy: Saul, do you get out to Utah much? Saul: Not as often as I'd like. Turk Malloy: Check it out. I think you'd dig Provo. You could do well there. Saul: I'll look into it.
The Interviewer: Do you see yourself as a tourist or a participant? The Unmarried Mother: I've excelled in advanced physics, biology and astronomy. A tourist is someone who travels across the ocean only to be photographed sitting next to their boat. ...