Gordon Gekko: What's worth doing is worth doing for money.
Mark Hanna: The name of the game, moving the money from the client's pocket to your pocket. Jordan Belfort: But if you can make your clients money at the same time it's advantageous to everyone, correct? Mark Hanna: No.
Jordan Belfort: Sell me this pen. Brad: Write me your name on this napkin. Jordan Belfort: I can't, I don't have a pen. Brad: There you go, it's a matter of supply and demand.
Donnie Azoff: [masturbates to Naomi] Perfect... Jordan Belfort: Donnie, what the fuck are you doing you piece of shit? [beats down Donnie] Jordan Belfort: [to Naomi] You have to excuse my friend.
If I looked good in 'Wolf of Wall Street,' I cannot take full credit; it was because of the hair extensions and makeup.
Bud Fox: Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel.
Corruption,' Jordan Belfort believes, 'is endemic to human being. I mean, even men in monasteries - where enticement is hard to come by – even men in those circumstances have sex with other men and abuse children. Look at the Catholic Church! Man i...
The numbers were, at best, guesstimates, and all three men knew it. The relevant figure would ultimately be the one that represented the most they could possibly ask from Congress without raising too many questions. Whatever that sum turned out to be...
Patrick Denham: Most of the Wall Street jackasses I bust are douchebags, just like their fathers before them. But you... you, Jordan, got this way all on your own. Jordan Belfort: Did I? Patrick Denham: Good for you, little man. Jordan Belfort: Me, t...
Jordan Belfort: This right here is the land of opportunity. This is America. This is my home! The show goes on! [quoting Norma Rae] Jordan Belfort: They're gonna need to send in the National Guard to take me out, cos I ain't going nowhere!
Jordan Belfort: My wife, Naomi, the Duchess of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. A former model and Miller Lite girl. Yeah. She was the one with my cock in her mouth in the Ferrari, so put your dick back in your pants.
Mark Hanna: Nobody knows if a stock is going to go up, down, sideways or in circles. You know what a Fugazi is?" Jordan Belfort: Fugazi, it's a fake. Mark Hanna: Fugazi, Fugazi. It's a wazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust.
Donnie Azoff: You dress like shit, so fuck you! Brad: Motherfucker! [punches Donnie] Jordan Belfort: OOH! Jesus! Brad: How do you like that? Who's the faggot now? Jordan Belfort: You okay? Hey pal.
[last lines] Jordan Belfort: I'm not ashamed to admit it: my first time in prison, I was terrified. For a moment, I had forgotten I lived in a world where everything was for sale. Wouldn't you like to know how to sell it?
You know, I've been to some superstars' houses, and I've been really disgusted when I see their platinum discs hanging in the toilet. They're just there on the walls glaring at you when you're trying to be occupied with other things.
With the derivatives market larger than ever, we need way more regulation of Wall Street, not less.
Conservatives may believe that impoverished borrowers destroyed Wall Street. But we liberals will not fool ourselves that stupid bankers sank conservatism for good.
I supported myself by delivering the 'Wall Street Journal' and doing odd jobs. I love plumbing and carpentry.
Wall Street has come to America's heartland, really. The only thing missing are the skyscrapers, you know?
Gordon Gekko: If you need a friend, get a dog.
Bud Fox: What's the matter? Did somebody die? Marv: Yeah...