Well I think that, if you want to look at polarizing people right now, I wouldn't look at Palin, I'd look at Barack Obama.
Those who perpetrate fraud against our financial institutions will be met with the full force of law enforcement.
Russell Defreitas plotted to commit a terrorist attack that he hoped would rival 9/11.
You would notice if your own personal debit card limit shot up to $40 million dollars. And you'd probably call somebody.
The following year, after I had prepared my draft, the Conference of the Interparliamentary Union at The Hague decided to set up a special commission to study the problem seriously.
The Bible is obviously a mixed book. Literary and nonliterary (expository, explanatory) writing exist side by side within the covers of this unique book.
All legislative experiments in the way of making forcible distribution of the wealth produced in any country have failed.
In seeking a lawyer, you are looking for an advocate, an expert advisor on the law and on your rights and responsibilities, a strategist, a negotiator, and a litigator.
The terrorist action of 9/11 gave birth to President Obama's entry to the White House. Not directly, but indirectly.
We've broken the code base into logical chunks, called modules, and the foundation staff delegate authority for the modules to people with the most expertise.
We have a very active testing community which people don't often think about when you have open source.
I mean, who wants to live waking up... at least I don't want to live waking up everyday about revenge.
I think HTML5 is one area where Mozilla has done very poorly at actually communicating what we have done.
Saving the Internet requires a greater sense of shared ownership and fewer bystanders accepting whatever today's Internet has to offer.
We have a version of Firefox for mobile devices, codenamed Fennec. That's a type of fox - South American, I think, with giant ears.
Well, I'm not excusing the fact that planning and preparedness was not where it should be. We've known for 20 years about this hurricane, this possibility of this kind of hurricane.
Well, I mean, Congress did originally set the formula for the state grants, and they guaranteed every state a minimum formula. So that was a congressional decision.
So, all during the '90s and, you know, for the first half of this decade, we had opportunities to get evacuation plans in place, better communications in place.
Messrs. Washington and Lincoln would be appalled and saddened by what their successor, President Obama, and the modern Democratic Party are doing to the nation they dedicated their lives to keep alive.
Obama hates selling. He thinks people should just accept the right thing to do.
The Republican game is hilariously transparent: if Obama doesn't shift to more muscular postures, he's not a patriot. If he does, he's a flip-flopper.