The Business of Our Firm is Business" -Donald W. Hudspeth from: "The Business of America is Business" -Calvin Coolidge
I will only miss school for an engagement if it is going to bring real change.
I choose to worship not believing in God and government should not thrust a religious idea down my throat.
I only gave out my opinion that same sex marriage is against the law of God.
The most important thing as a leader is your relationship with God.
Based on 30 years of experience with the Iranians, they will give you 100 words. Trust only one of the 100.
Obama is an intelligent man whose life and work experience sensitize him to class distinctions.
UNICEF has repeatedly called on governments to ensure basic services for children and this includes providing food where the need exists.
There is a lot of food culture that goes on in the home and in the community in non-traditional ways. Food is a lot more than restaurants.
It's outrageous that many enlisted people qualify for food stamps because military salaries are so low.
Tunisian liberals say that the U.S. Embassy in Tunis is unengaged with their efforts to make sure the Tunisian model remains one of expanding freedom.
The function of the law is not to provide justice or to preserve freedom. The function of the law is to keep those who hold power, in power.
President Obama orders religious organizations to violate their conscience. I will defend religious liberty and overturn regulations that trample on our first freedom.
In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival.
The most tragic paradox of our time is to be found in the failure of nation-states to recognize the imperatives of internationalism.
Low standards are a tactic that takes pressure off teachers' unions by accepting mediocrity and failure for kids.
One of the reasons people stop learning is that they become less and less willing to risk failure.
People think when you have a, quote, 'bank failure,' that that is the end of the bank. And it isn't necessarily.
Remember what Susan B. Anthony said? 'Failure is impossible.' Failure is possible if women don't vote.
To me, the failure of liberalism - the tradition I come from - was not recognizing there has to be justice across the generations.
American democracy must be a failure because it places the supreme authority in the hands of the poorest and most ignorant part of the society.