Growing up in Denver, I'm sure it started with loving the Colorado mountains.
Michelle Obama - they don't call her Mooch-elle for nothing.
This is just the beginning of a new era for America's workers.
Working people have alot of bad habits, but the worst of these is work.
In some ways, it's better that Obama got elected than McCain. I'd rather be stabbed in the chest with an Obama steak knife than to have been slowly bled to death with McCain paper cuts. Say what you will, but Obama has brought about a patriotic and c...
The Fayyad cabinet may well be the best the Palestinians ever get. But whatever its good qualities, there is no democracy.
Together with President Obama, we are moving America forward, not back.
Barack Obama is more irritating than the other nuisances on the Left.
Barack Obama is betting on the American worker.
First, we did rank everybody by risk, and New York comes out number one.
I will focus on being substantive and I will focus on Barack Obama.
The responsibility of the attorney general is to change things and bring us closer to the ideals expressed in our founding documents.
Free enterprise, individual opportunity, limited government. They made America great; only they can keep America strong.
Health care providers, saving lives daily in our emergency rooms, live with federal mandates.
There is just no reason why the richest nation in the world can't provide health care to all its people.
In the field of health care, we are giving people access to insurance who have not had it before.
It is a fair summary of history to say that the safeguards of liberty have been forged in controversies involving not very nice people.
One who comes to the Court must come to adore, not to protest. That's the new gloss on the 1st Amendment.
If left unchecked, global change will create violent conflict, torrential storms, shrinking coastlines, and irreversible catastrophe.
I could never drive in a great big car; people like me because I'm a man of the people, a hustler.
Higher education is not growing fast enough to meet the needs of Nevada.