The best time to seek God is when it's really hard to find the time because that's when we probably need Him the most.
The first time her laughter unfurled its wings in the wind, we knew that the world would never be the same”-
I'm not manic-just happy. It has been such a long time since I was happy. Please join me on my magic carpet for now.
This is not the time for partisan bickering. This is not the time for politics as usual. Some of us are Democrats. Some of us are Republicans. Some of us are Independents. Above all, we must be Oklahomans first.
One thing I have learned in my time in politics is that if one of the parties is shameless, the other party cannot afford to be spineless.
Politics is a lot of serendipity. You're in the right place and the right time and you've got the right message, and it either connects for you or, or it doesn't.
I think it's very, very hard not to go slightly crazy if you're in the top in politics - especially if you're there for a long time.
I'm part of the mushball middle. I consider 'confused' the majority position because, thankfully, most people would rather be uncertain some of the time than 100% positive all the time - even when they're wrong.
(About the magic bathroom). If knowledge is money, and money is gold, then this is modern day Alchemy. Feces (wasted time) is turned into gold (knowledge).
Success is not about getting it right the first time but about not giving up even if it takes a lifetime of effort.
If you've been hurt and you've grieved and you've been through the mill, it takes a long time to get over it.
You can think about gloves. You can think about snuvs. You can think a long time about snuvs and their gloves.
Every time you work out you strengthen your body. Every time you don’t you weaken it.
In ancient times the ritual, mythological and doctrinal aspects of spiritual space were predominant.
Although we shared a kiss or two you still have me on cloud nine from time to time and all I want is for you to be mine!
Time flies by so fast, I wish I can go back
Difficult times are pregnant with glory moments just waiting to be birthed in the lives of those willing to labor through the pain.
If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace.
Time tick tock says the clock whirrling by never shy quietly pass layer upon grass until time has gone. than you die.
Pray that the summer mornings are many when with such pleasure, with such joy you will enter ports seen for the first time
Now we realize that time is our most valuable resource, and every minute we spend in one of these meetings just sitting there is time wasted.