And on the war, I think my numbers would be a lot higher if I were out there beating the drum for this war. In fact, I don't think it, I know it. But I can't be for the war.
We have a substantial number of countries that have pledged and provided all kinds of support for the United States in the event that war becomes necessary in Iraq.
There are a growing number of conservatives and Republicans who, while they support the president and support the war in Iraq, wonder how many of these nation-building wars we're going to engage in and what the parameters of that are.
The Russians obtained a number of plants under Lend-Lease, which had been authorized by Washington, that I thought were not justified for their war effort. They wanted them for postwar use.
The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.
Un désespoir calme, froid, sinistre.
Chapter 1: I suggest you icksnay on the artalecsmay.
Are we all, at heart, just Internet trolls?
I spent three of the best years of my life in 10th grade.
My school is attended by near three hundred scholars.
In Tokyo, we have more three-star Michelin restaurants than Paris.
I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.
I'm never away from my boys for more than three days.
No one can remember more than three points.
I'm basically for the whole year just traveling with three suitcases.
I have the same group of friends I've had since I was three.
All I need to do to stay healthy is look at my three boys.
Hi-Tek is on three or four songs on the new record.
I do better on the first three takes; I won't be better at 20 takes.
I grew up in Chicago, IL. I've got three siblings.
I am only six foot three, by the way.