Openness, transparency - these are among the few weapons the citizenry has to protect itself from the powerful and the corrupt... and that is the best thing that WikiLeaks has done.
The most powerful weapon in the world, as far as I'm concerned, is the camera.
The most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is reason.
The majority of Americans, the ones who never elected George W. Bush, are not fooled by his weapons of mass distraction.
We fought back with our music; it was the only weapon we had.
There are weapons that are simply thoughts. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy.
You want books? We're in a library-books! The best weapons in the world! -Tenth Doctor
I hate it when people use sex as a weapon against the people who are engaging in it. It's so hypocritical.
The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.
If the United States loses the economic weapons of control, it is very much weakened.
We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun.
Many people in the world today are not starving because there is an inherent inability to produce food, they are starving because they are caught in the middle of political fights and blockades that have been used as weapons.
A man of courage never needs weapons, but he may need bail.
If the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.
The Second Amendment does protect the right to people to possess weapons for self-defense in the home. That's what the Supreme Court said.
A man who cannot be enticed by money or intimidated by the threat of jail or death has two of the strongest weapons that anyone has to offer.
The purpose of the UN mechanism, this inspection mechanism, is not to engage in a cat and mouse game with Saddam Hussein and try to find weapons that the Iraqi government is working on concealing.
A weapon kills people and makes people in cities dominated by fear. But if you turn it into an instrument, it's like social gold. It brings people together and you build trust.
Your bat is your life. It's your weapon. You don't want to go into battle with anything that feels less than perfect.
We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction.
Ignorance has always been the weapon of tyrants; enlightenment the salvation of the free.