I support this war on terror and the war on radical Islam.
The Cold War was wildly expensive and consumed the entire globe.
The world is organised by the war economy and the war culture.
Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.
For what can war, but endless war, still breed?
I guess if people couldn't profit from war I don't think there would be war.
Having seen war, you obviously learned to hate war.
It's a fraction of the cost to prevent a war than prosecute a war.
I hate war. Absolutely, I hate war.
No one hates war like a soldier hates war.
Hussars pray for war and doctors for fever.
An iron peace is better than a golden war.
Make peace with man and war with your sins.
Howling duststorms of nuclear ashes. Human and animal bone powder. Flakes and fragments of the destroyed world. Filthy tempests of death. I am in Hell, he said.
That's the trouble with cookbooks. Like sex education and nuclear physics, they are founded on an illusion. They bespeak order, but they end in tears.
We've always had to worry about the electrical grid and nuclear facilities, and they remain a concern; but cyber-terrorism, you know, which is a word that you hear more and more, I think is a reality.
Some people have said, in so many words, that I'm kind of wooly-headed in believing that the Iranians would see not having nuclear weapons as more in their security interest than not.
Theft annoys me more than anything else. The purloining of effects from another magician. Some people think it's massive to steal the secrets of nuclear reactors, but to steal a card move is trivial. They're wrong.
Even the Soviet Union, with its huge nuclear arsenal, was a threat that could be deterred by the prospect of retaliation. But suicide bombers cannot be deterred. They can only be annihilated - preemptively and unilaterally, if necessary.
Certainly the existence of these huge nuclear force was important for the ultimate confrontation, let's say, over western Europe. You just can't use them to deal with a situation like Afghanistan.
The whole nuclear thing is a terrible mess and it's hard for me to understand why it is that we, the United States, seem to be the only ones that are really particularly concerned about it and prepared to do something.