war. Or, rather, wars. Not one, not two, but many wars, both big and small, just and unjust, wars with shifting casts of supposed heroes and villains, each new hero making one increasingly nostalgic for the old villain. The names changed, as did the ...
We are known to be anti-authoritarian, anti-institutional, and notoriously anti-religious—more likely to quote Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Monty Python, or Star Trek than the Bible.
I have to keep facing the darkness. If I stand tall and face the thing I fear, I have a chance to conquer it. If I just keep dodging and hiding it will conquer me.
Killing Japanese didn’t bother me at that time. It was getting the war over with that bothered me. So I wasn’t worried particularly about how many people we killed in getting the job done… . All war is immoral, and if you let it bother you, you...
America is especially sensitive to war weariness, and nothing brings backlash like the perception of defeat. I say “perception” because America is a very all-or-nothing society… We like to know, and for everyone else to know, that our victory w...
No one starts a war warning that those involved will lose their innocence - that children will definitely die and be forever lost as a result of the conflict; that the war will not end for generations and generations, even after cease-fires have been...
[Basher's original plan for knocking out the casino's power has flopped] Basher: Hang on a minute, hang on... we could use a pinch. Danny: What's a "pinch"? Basher: A pinch is a device which creates, like, a cardiac arrest for any broadband electrica...
Nobody wages war with ghosts.
The war horses are born on the frontiers.
Wars are caused by women and priests.
In love and war don't seek counsel.
Where there are weapons, there will be wars.
Peace pays what war wins.
We won the war, but lost peace.
My subject is War, and the pity of War. The Poetry is in the pity.
To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.
If we don't end war, war will end us.
Preventing a war is tantamount to winning a war.
The War Department in Washington briefly weighed more ambitious schemes to relieve the Americans on a large scale before it was too late. But by Christmas of 1941, Washington had already come to regard Bataan as a lost cause. President Roosevelt had ...
But I felt it necessary to be part of the war effort and I enlisted in the Navy to be a flyer.
Since the Gulf War, since the new World Order, America is now the number one arms dealer in the world.