The power of positive thinking doesn't assure a fulfilled life unless it is accompanied with one's true purpose in life.
The relationships I've had with my girl friends are so powerful and meaningful. Without them I truly don't know what I'd do.
Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell.
No one, however powerful and successful, can function as an adult if his parents are not satisfied with him.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
He offered her power, money, status... a giant prison, all in exchange for only...her soul.
A victim is someone who blames it all on someone else. Why give all the power to someone else and leave yourself powerless?
Everyone says "i will never" and "one should never" but, actually, "No one can Resist Miss-using Power (at-least ones) when they have it".
There is a lure in power. It can get into a man's blood just as gambling and lust for money have been known to do.
No one else can choose your attitude for you. Your perspective and choice of attitude gives you the power to be in control.
When effective prayer meets a fervent spirit, it builds a cloud of power that the enemy cannot withstand.
For the Kremlin, it is more feasible to preserve its great-power status in cooperation with the United States than in confrontation.
Holy Prophet PBUH promulgated a justice system regardless of status of people, yet in Pak the powerful easily escapes.
If those in power were smart or kind then there would not be any unnecessary animal cruelty in our world. "If.
It's well known that love has power but I want to find out how much.
When you use the power of empathy, love and kindness to heal the humanity, it dances with joy, gratitude, and humility.
People with power listen less carefully, and have difficulty taking into account what others already know.
The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.
The hardcore fanbase of nerds that live on the Internet are not nearly as powerful as I thought they were. They really, really aren't. They also flip-flop like mad.
Asking in prayer helps you to see your problem in the light of God’s power.
Joy brings smiles on our faces, it brings power, peace and sound mind.