I was now successful in proving that a direction of movement is localized in the cerebellum.
People don't realize that the future is just now, but later.
Everyone's looking to the urban scene for inspiration now.
Procrastinators are pros at neglecting now and languishing later.
I directed a movie and now, I'm going to do the editing.
I've spent several years now with my head down.
We must exist right here, right now!
Now we have to hit them from a different angle.
I got this powdered water - now I don't know what to add.
Right now, offline and online are coming together because of smartphones.
A lot of the carols were not as you hear them now.
Reputation is a timely subject, now that nobody has one.
When I was a model, they called me 'Tyra;' now it's 'Ms. Banks.'
If you are not happy here and now, you never will be.
My occupation now, I suppose, is jail inmate.
I'm working on just finding a boyfriend right now.
I'm realising now that I can't just blurt things out.
I'm on my own now. I have my own apartment.
I'm always on my guard now.
That's basically what's going on now: Everything is propaganda.
With my child, I hardly watch TV now.