You never learn how to write a novel. You just learn how to write the novel that you're writing.
Gene WolfeI don't begin a novel with a shopping list - the novel becomes my shopping list as I write it.
William GibsonBeing able to embrace contradictions is a sign of intelligence. Or insanity.
Butcher Bird: A Novel of The DominionOur willingness to write truthfully brings the story to life.
The 90-Day Novel: Unlock the story withinWhat is the purpose of a city if not to grant the greatest of gifts, anonymity?
I, The Divine: A Novel in First ChaptersHow can she tell the difference between freedom and unburdening?
I, The Divine: A Novel in First ChaptersHistory will remember this," she says. "I do not need to.
Madame Tussaud: A Novel of the French Revolution