Shavonne Wright: What the hell are you talking about girl? Kaye Faulkner: Didn't even think about it did you? Shavonne Wright: Gilligan's Island? Kaye Faulkner: It's what called a male pornographic fantasy. Shavonne Wright: [laughs] Oh my haha Kaye F...
Dr. King Schultz: And as if on cue, here comes the sheriff! Sheriff Bill Sharp: [Comes in tavern] Okay, boys, fun's over! Come on out. [Bill Sharp leads Schultz and Django outside while an anxious crowd watches] Sheriff Bill Sharp: Alright folks, cal...
Brian Clough: You know he'll be making a file on us. A dossier. Peter Taylor: Who? Brian Clough: Don Revie. Prepares a file on every game. Leaves nothing to chance. Knows every opponent's formations, strategies everything. Peter Taylor: I've heard he...
Gen. Yevgraf Zhivago: [narrating over a military parade in Moscow] In bourgeois terms, it was a war between the Allies and Germany. In Bolshevik terms, it was a war between the Allied and German upper classes - and which of them won was of total indi...
Jonathan: I'm a vegetarian. Alex: You're a what? Jonathan: I don't eat meat. Alex: How can you not eat meat? Jonathan: I just don't. Alex: [to Grandfather, in Russian] He says he does not eat meat. Grandfather: [to Alex, in Russian] What? Alex: No me...
Arthur: Do you still have the Sight, Merlin? Are they together? Merlin: Yes. Arthur: You warned me of this, all those years ago. What must I do now... Kill them? Merlin: I can tell you nothing. My days are ended. The gods of once are gone... forever....
Narrator: Bob loved me because he thought my testicles were removed too. Being there, pressed against his tits, ready to cry. This was my vacation... and she ruined *everything*. Marla Singer: This is cancer, right? Narrator: This chick Marla Singer ...
Bill Foster: What are you doing to the street? Construction Worker: We're fixing it! What the Hell does it look like? Bill Foster: Two days ago it was fine. Are you telling me the street fell apart in two days? Construction Worker: Well, I guess so. ...
Hazel Grace Lancaster: You know, this obsession you have, with being remembered? Augustus Waters: Don't get mad. Hazel Grace Lancaster: I am mad! I'm mad because I think you're special. And isn't that enough? You think that the only way to lead a mea...
Raoul Duke: We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila...
[last lines] Edward R. Murrow: To those who say people wouldn't look; they wouldn't be interested; they're too complacent, indifferent and insulated, I can only reply: There is, in one reporter's opinion, considerable evidence against that contention...
[first lines] Stevens: You're... from Baker? [Angel Eyes is silent, eating a bowl of stew and staring at him] Stevens: Tell Baker that I told him all that I know already and I want to live in peace, understand? That it's no use to go on tormenting me...
Aunt Marge: [to Vernon] You mustn't blame yourself about how this one turned out, Vernon. It's all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. [to Petunia] Aunt Marge: What is it the boy's father did, Petunia? Aunt Petunia: Nothing. He didn't work. He was ...
[Bilbo, sitting alone, reaches into his pocket] Thorin Oakenshield: What is that in your hand? Bilbo Baggins: [startled] It-it's nothing. Thorin Oakenshield: Show me! [Bilbo opens his hand, revealing an acorn] Bilbo Baggins: I picked it up in Beorn's...
Peeta Mellark: Katniss, I don't... I don't know kind of deals you made with Haymitch, but he made me promises too. [Pulls off the necklace from around his neck] Peeta Mellark: If you die, and I live, I'd have nothing. Nobody else that I care about. K...
Cormac McLaggen: No hard feelings, eh, Weasley? Ron Weasley: What do you mean? Cormac McLaggen: I'll be trying out for Gryffindor Keeper too. Nothing personal. Ron Weasley: Really? Big, strapping fellow like you? You look like you've got more of a Be...
Helen: Dash, do have something you want to tell your father about school? Dash: [nervously] Oh, uh... Well, we dissected a frog... Helen: Dash got sent to the office again. Bob: [Not paying attention] Good, good. Helen: No, Bob. That's bad. Bob: What...
Syndrome: [after the plane is shot down] Oh, you'll get over it. I seem to recall you prefer to..."work alone." [laughs maniacally; Mr. Incredible tries to catch him, but Mirage pushes Syndrome out of the way and is captured] Mr. Incredible: Release ...
Dave Lizewski: That's not me, by the way. That's some Armenian dude with a history of mental health problems. Who am I? I'm kick ass! [six months earlier] Dave Lizewski: That's me. Back before any of this crazy shit happened. I guess I'm the last per...
General Allenby: What about your Arab friends? What about them? T.E. Lawrence: I have no Arab friends. I don't want Arab friends ! General Allenby: What in Hell do you want, Lawrence? T.E. Lawrence: I told you! I just want my ration of common humanit...
Sam: [Both are overcome by exhaustion] Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo? It'll be spring soon. And the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And they'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields......