Colette de Montpelier: No, of course I don't live in the Alps. I went there for a visit, that's all. The Jackal: Climbing? Colette de Montpelier: Good Lord, no. I spent a day at the Cadet Academy in Barcelonette amongst a lot of jaundiced military ty...
Frank Costello: [talking about Costigan] Do you trust him? Mr. French: Well these days, who's reliable? Frank Costello: His uncle Jackie was. Yeah, you can't trust a guy acts like he's got nothing to lose. Mr. French: I'm reliable. Frank Costello: Ar...
ML: Well, gentlemen, the way I see it, if this hot weather continues, it's going to melt the polar caps and the whole wide world. And all the parts that ain't water already will surely be blooded. Coconut Sid: You're a simple motherfucker. Now where ...
Zeus: Don't fuckin' move. Simon: [turns around] Oh, the Samaritan. Zeus: Gimme the goddamn code. Simon: Code? [realizing what Zeus is talking about] Simon: Oh, you mean for the school. I'm sorry, I can't do that. Zeus: You call in that code right now...
Merlin: What are you afraid of? Arthur: I don't know. Merlin: Shall I tell you what's out there? Arthur: Yes, please. Merlin: The Dragon. A beast of such power that if you were to see it whole and all complete in a single glance, it would burn you to...
DJ Ruby Rhod: Korben sweetheart, what was that? It was BAD! It had no fire, no energy, no nothing! Y'know I got a Show to run here, and it must pop POP POP! So tomorrow from 5 to 7 will you PLEASE act like you have more than a two word vocabulary. It...
Bruce: So, what's a couple of bites like you doing out so late? Marlin: Nothing, we're not doing anything, we're not even out. Bruce: Great! Then how would you little morsels like to come to a little - a little get-together I'm having? Dory: You mean...
[Longer introduction to "The Nutcracker Suite"] Narrator: You know, it's funny how wrong an artist can be about his own work. The one composition of Tchaikovsky's that he really detested was his "Nutcracker Suite", which is probably the most popular ...
Phil: Hey commander, what's going on? State Trooper: There's nothing going on. We're closing the road. Big blizzard moving in. Phil: What blizzard? It's a couple of flakes. State Trooper: Don't you listen to the weather? We got a major storm here. Ph...
Madame D.: Come with me. M. Gustave: To... fucking Lutz? Madame D.: Please! M. Gustave: Give me your hand. You've nothing to fear. You're always anxious before you travel. I admit you appear to be suffering a more acute attack on this occasion, but t...
Chiaki Mamiya: [the teacher Fukushima has arrived late] It's our lucky day Makoto Konno: No, It's my lucky day Chiaki Mamiya: And that, Why? Makoto Konno: [Voice-over] People say that when you have a bad day, nothing will go fine. But that is not for...
Martin Vanger: I apologize for my mother's behavior. Mikael Blomkvist: I'm used to it. Martin Vanger: It has nothing to do with you. It's between her and Henrik. She lost it when my father died. And her drinking and her... it got so bad Henrik took m...
[Deleted scene; Harry finds Aunt Petunia standing alone in the empty living room] Petunia Dursley: I have lived in this house for twenty years, and now in a single night, I'm expected to leave. Harry Potter: They'll torture you. If they think for a m...
[the night before the Elves are set to attack Erebor, Bilbo brings the Arkenstone to Thranduil's tent] Thranduil: The King's Jewel... Bard: And worth a King's ransom... how is this yours to give? Bilbo Baggins: I took it as my one-fourteenth share of...
Behrani: Perhaps you did not come here to live like a Gypsy, but I did not come here to work like an Arab... to be treated like an Arab. For four years we have lived a life we could not afford and spent almost everything to marry Soraya with a good f...
Ip Man: [hits Lei] Traitor! Captain Lei Chiu: Why am I a traitor? Their deaths have got nothing to do with me. I'm just an interpreter. I need to scrape a living too! Ip Man: Scrape a living? You watch your countrymen get beaten to death. Where's you...
Oscar Shapeley: You know, there's nothing I like better than to meet a high-class mama that can snap 'em back at ya. 'Cause the colder they are, the hotter they get. That's what I always say. Yes, sir, when a cold mama gets hot, boy, how she sizzles....
[Bob is explaining an insurance policy loophole to a Mrs. Hogenson] Bob: [whispering] Listen closely. I'd like to help you but I can't. I'd like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to Norma Wilcox on... Norma Wilcox, W-I-L-C-O-X... on the third...
[Po slurps up noodles, one ends up draped on his nose like Shifu's mustaches. Everyone starts chuckling] Po: What? Mantis: Oh, nothing... Master Shifu. Po: Oh, yeah, yeah. [imitating Shifu] Po: You will never be the Dragon Warrior, unless you lose 50...
Ursula: Yes, hurry home, princess. We wouldn't want to miss old Daddy's celebration, now, would we? Huh! Celebration indeed. [chuckles sarcastically] Ursula: Bah! In my day, we had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace. And now, look at me - ...
[first lines] Radio announcer: President Truman'll be here tomorrow, so all you folks in Dallas turn out, chuh hear? This is Cowboy Rhythms on KTRN, Wichita Falls, here's Hank Williams' big hit tune, "Cold Cold Heart". Sam the Lion: You ain't ever go...