I am normally the manly-ish girl on the planet.
My life is just great now. Normal. Vanilla.
I'd like to be seen as a normal, attractive person with good values.
I have an appetite for the normal in my life, as well as the abnormal.
I realized my life was not going to be, per se, normal.
When I think of normality I think of mediocrity
CO2 is not a pollutant in any normal definition of the term.
I've definitely accepted the fact that I'm not normal.
Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from.
Normally, it's difficult for me to watch a movie that I'm in.
I've auditioned for normal characters. But I never get cast.
It was hard enough to drive those heavy old cars back then under normal circumstances, but with a crazed monkey clawing you at the same time, it becomes nearly impossible!
Normally I tell the truth whether it's nice or not.
Mrs. Gump: What's normal anyways?
I am a normal guy.
I thrust Sophie into a corner, blocking her with my body. She panted and snagged her lower lip in her teeth. “This is not my life,” she insisted. I looked at her solemnly. “I’m afraid it is. But it doesn’t have to be for long. Let’s just ...
I'm wondering why I thought it was a good idea to fill my purse with eggs." He blinked at me. I pulled a cold, flabby fried egg from mny bag, followed by its twin, holding them up so he could see. "Eggs." "You couldn't carry a packet of peanuts like ...
- A necessidade de comer e beber é simplesmente o instinto de autoconservação! - Mas não acha que esse instinto de autopreservação por si só é importante? Ora, o instinto de autoconservação é a lei normal da humanidade! - Quem lhe disse is...
I remember asking my friend. . .for tips and her best one was: When watching football with your man, just look up once in awhile and ask, Now who did he used to play for?' He'll talk for at least fifteen minutes, you'll seem like you care, and then y...
Night is the permanent revolution, that of the globe. Every sundown the streets change, becoming sinister or libidinous, or, for that matter, longer or narrower or unexpectedly twisted. The familiar rebels against those who presume to know it. The ma...
There was always someone outside of the chalk circle. Someone who needed money, someone who had a son with whooping cough, or someone who wanted to go off and sleep forever because he could not stand the shit taste of war in his mouth and who nonethe...