It's been my experience that those people who seem the most 'normal' are in fact the most dangerous.
The Second SpyLiterature is a textually transmitted disease, normally contracted in childhood.
Touch Magic: Fantasy, Faerie & Folklore in the Literature of ChildhoodNormal doesn't happen overnight when the world around and between you has always been off-balance.
The Prayer BoxIn my normal world, cars do not go off the road and explode. Please, do not insult my intelligence.
Passing of the KingIt must be an odd person indeed that can say for certain they are normal.
Percipience: Outside the Range of Understood SenseIf I aged twice as fast and lived twice as long as a normal person, would I be Wisdom Man?
This Book is Not FOR SALE...there are two kinds of writing: the one you write and the one that writes you.
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?