It’s hot as a watermelon in this cantaloupe called pineapple. And that’s a fact.
Nonsense remains nonsense even when we talk it about God.
Rhode Island knows, but is Del aware?
I love the newspaper. I love reading fiction.
If you can predict the future, you can change the past.
What ends in a W, has no beginning, and is always in the present? Now.
My ex girlfriend was exquisite, and my current one is quisite.
Success is suffocating. The air is thinner at the top.
I want to be a man of letters. All 26 of them.
Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.
The world is nonsense: what looks beautiful in the morning looks ugly in the evening.
The time to act is now! Somebody go get the Director.
There are whiskers in my soup, and my spoon smells like my cat’s ass.
My love disappeared, along with the evidence of her dead body.
Design is body language for inanimate objects.
The most environmentally friendly last name is Green.
What you consider gross—dead rats—I consider considerate gifts.
I need your help. You can help me by not helping me.
My name is Mr. Raingold. But please, call me Money Showers.
At the time of the murder, I had an airtight alibi: I spent the night in a Ziploc bag.
Jack and Hilda went up the hill to fetch a mountain of valley.