It is December, and nobody asked if I was ready.
Nobody wants to hear Metallica at lunchtime.
There's nobody I look up to, really.
Nobody ever built a statue to a committee.
To talk about a relationship trivializes something that's nobody's business.
I make playlists on my iPod like nobody's business!
Nobody really believes in equality anyway.
Nobody thought I would be a great coach.
Because nobody goes through life without a scar.
Nobody is faster than me.
Either nobody's perfect, or everyone is.
Nobody bats 500. We all make mistakes.
Today, if you're not an alcoholic, you're nobody.
Nobody ever lost money taking a profit.
Nobody deserves this much money - certainly not an actor.
If there's no relationship with a father who's absent, nobody talks about it.
Nobody ever washes a rental car.
Life is made for the living.
Nobody's perfect. The only one that ever was, was crucified.
Nobody can prepare you for the loss of a parent.
Nobody doubts my partisanship, but a lot of the activity is nonpartisan.