Holly: Naturally I get taken home first. Well, obviously he prefers April. Of course I was so tongue-tied all night. I can't believe I said that about the Guggenheim,. My stupid rollerskating joke. I should never tell jokes. Mom can tell 'em and Hann...
[first lines] Elliot: God, she's beautiful. She's got the prettiest eyes. She looks so sexy in that sweater. I just want to be alone with her and hold her and kiss her and tell her how much I love her and take care of her. Stop it you idiot, she's yo...
Chan Wing Yan: Should I salute you? Lau Kin Ming: No, don't. How long have you been an undercover? Chan Wing Yan: I've followed Sam for 3 years; I had several other bosses before. All together, it's been 10 years Lau Kin Ming: 10 years? I should salu...
Bridget von Hammersmark: There have been two recent developments regarding Operation Kino. One, the venue has been changed from the Ritz to a much smaller venue. Lt. Aldo Raine: Enormous changes at the last minute? That's not very Germatic. Why the h...
[last lines] Indiana Jones: Anything can happen. It's a long way to Delhi. Willie: No, thanks. No more adventures with you, Dr. Jones. Indiana Jones: Sweetheart, after all the fun we've had together? Willie: If you think I'm going to Delhi with you, ...
Centurion: Where is Brian of Nazareth? Brian: You sanctimonious bastards! Centurion: I have an order for his release! Brian: You stupid bastards! Mr. Cheeky: Uh, I'm Brian of Nazareth. Brian: What? Mr. Cheeky: Yeah, I - I - I'm Brian of Nazareth. Cen...
Captain Dudley Smith: Edmund, you're a political animal. You have the eye for human weakness, but not the stomach. Ed Exley: You're wrong, sir. Captain Dudley Smith: Would you be willing to plant corroborative evidence on a suspect you knew to be gui...
Julien Jeanvier: [as Julien is fleeing from the police] Sophie was back in the game! Pure, raw, explosive pleasure! Better than drugs, better than smack! Better than a dope-coke-crack-fix-shit-shoot-sniff-ganja-marijuana-blotter-acid-ecstasy! Better ...
Gandalf: There is one other who knew Bilbo had the Ring. I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum, but the enemy found him first. I don't know how long they tortured him, but through the endless screams and inane babble, they discerned two words: ...
Roger Murtaugh: Okay, clown, no bullshit! You wanna kill yourself? Martin Riggs: Oh, for Chriss-... Roger Murtaugh: Shut up! Yes or no - you wanna die? Martin Riggs: Oh, I got the job done! What the hell do you want? Roger Murtaugh: JUST ANSWER THE Q...
Maggie Fitzgerald: I'm 32, Mr. Dunn, and I'm here celebrating the fact that I spent another year scraping dishes and waitressing which is what I've been doing since 13, and according to you, I'll be 37 before I can even throw a decent punch, which I ...
Professor Henry Higgins: Eliza, you are to stay here for the next six months learning to speak beautifully, like a lady in a florist's shop. If you work hard and do as you're told, you shall sleep in a proper bedroom, have lots to eat, and money to b...
Harvey Milk: Hey, I like the way your pants fit... Where are you from, kid? Cleve Jones: [laughs] Sorry old man, not interested. Harvey Milk: I'm Harvey Milk. I'm running for Supervisor. What's your name? Cleve Jones: Cleve... Jones. Harvey Milk: Wel...
Brendan Harris: I know you can speak. So say it, say you love me. [Ray loks at John, Brendan grabs him by the hair and pulls his face towards himself] Brendan Harris: Don't look at him, look at me say it say you love me! [Ray gets out of his grasp an...
Annie Wilkes: Anything else I can get for you while I am in town? How about a tiny tape recorder, or how about a handmade pair of writing slippers? Paul Sheldon: No, just the paper would be fine. Annie Wilkes: Are you sure? Because if you want I can ...
Duke Forrest: What color was her hair? Trapper John: Black, shiny. Shiny black hair. Duke Forrest: Black. You like black, huh? I'm kinda partial to blondes myself. Hawkeye Pierce: I knew it. I knew you had a - - had an attraction for Hotlips Houlihan...
[Reese and Floyd are trying to get a lynch mob together after Stoddard kills Valance] Tom Doniphon: Can't a man have a drink around this town in peace? [grabs Floyd and throws him through the door] Reese: No one's bothering you, Doniphon. Tom Donipho...
El Paso Sheriff: Yea, well, none of that explains your man though. Ed Tom Bell: Uh-huh. El Paso Sheriff: He's just a goddamn homicidal lunatic, Ed Tom. Ed Tom Bell: I'm not sure he's a lunatic. El Paso Sheriff: Yea well what would you call him? Ed To...
Sgt. Barnes: Talking about killing? Y'all experts? Y'all know about killing? I'd like to hear about it, potheads. [takes pipe and inhales drag] Sgt. Barnes: Why do you smoke this shit? So as to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this shit. I am re...
King: Thirty nine and a wake-up, a pause for the cause, and I'm a gone motherfucker! Back to the world! Crawford: I hear you, man. Broke 100 the other day. King: No shit. Crawford: Ninety-two left to go. April 17, heroes, man. Home to California. I'l...
The Coachman: How would you blokes like to make some real money? [Lays a large bag of money on the table] Foulfellow: Well! And who do we have to, eh... [Makes throat-slashing motion] The Coachman: No, no. Nothing like that. You see... [Looks around ...