Clark: No, Eddie. It was my fault. I lost my temper when I got my bonus and I guess I said a few thing I shouldn't have. Mr. Frank Shirley: Bonus? How did you get a bonus? I cut out bonuses this year. Clark: Yeah. Thanks for telling us. I was expecti...
[after Gru lied about his fear of dating] Gru: Good night, Edith. [gives her a good night kiss and gently pulls the beanie over Edith's eyes] Gru: Good night, Margo. [gives her a goodnight kiss, but returns in suspicion] Gru: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, ...
Lt. James Gordon: Harvey Dent never made it home. The Joker: Of course not. Lt. James Gordon: What have you done with him? The Joker: Me? I was right here. [holds up his arms in handcuffs] The Joker: Who did you leave him with? Your people? Assuming,...
C.A. Swan: [referring to the bribe money Tony is offering him to kill Margot] You know the police would only have to trace one of these notes back to you to hang us both from the same rope? Tony Wendice: They won't. For a whole year I've been cashing...
Tony Wendice: How about coming with me to a stag party? Mark Halliday: A stag party? Tony Wendice: Yes, some American boys have been playing tennis all over the country. We're giving them a sort of farewell dinner. Mark Halliday: Sounds great, but I'...
Tony Wendice: One thousand pounds in cash. C.A. Swan: For a murder? Tony Wendice: For a few minutes work, that's all it is. And no risk, I guarantee. That ought to appeal to you. You've been skating on pretty thin ice. C.A. Swan: I don't know what yo...
Ellerby: This unit is new, and you are the newest members of it. You have been selected from the basis of intelligence and aptitude. This is an elite unit. Our job is to smash, or marginally disrupt, organized crime in the city by enhanced cooperatio...
Frank Costello: I'm going to have my associate search you. Billy Costigan: No, no one's fucking searching me. Searching me for what? Frank Costello: Contra-fucking-band. Take your shoes off. [French slams Costigan into a chair] Mr. French: Shoes. Fra...
Sewer Thug #1: [Sewer thugs have captured Jim Gordon, who is barely conscious] It's the police commissioner. Bane: And you brought him down here? Sewer Thug #1: We didn't know what to do. Bane: You panicked, and your weakness has cost the lives of th...
Bernie Rose: Did Shannon ever tell you how we met? Driver: No. Bernie Rose: I used to produce movies. In the 80s. Kind of like action films. Sexy stuff. One critic called them European. I thought they were shit. Anyway, he arranged all the cars for m...
Mother Sister: Hey, you old drunk, what did I tell you about drinking in front of my stoop? Move on; you're blocking my view. You are ugly enough; don't stare at me. The evil eye doesn't work on me. Da Mayor: Mother Sister, you've been talkin' about ...
[Simon is in one of the dumptrucks driving gold through the unfinished aqueduct] Simon: [on a phone] Rear guard, you can close up now. [pauses, not getting an answer] Simon: We've reached the dam, you can come up now. [pauses again] Simon: Nils? You ...
John Anglin: Hey, how's it going, Frank? Frank Morris: Well, the Anglins. What are you guys doing, just dropping by? Clarence Anglin: Yeah, thought we'd pay you a visit. Frank Morris: Gonna stay long? John Anglin: Nah, not long. Only about fifteen or...
Host-TV: Quite a story, yes? Any questions for Edward? Yeah, get way over. Stand right up. Audience Member #1: What's been the best part of your new life here in town? Edward: The friends I made. Host-TV: Any other questions? Audience Member #2: Have...
Arthur: Move aside! This is the king's road - and the knights you joined arms against were his very own. Lancelot: I await the king himself. His knights are in need of training. Arthur: I am King. And this [draws the sword] Arthur: , is Excalibur, sw...
Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [voice over, as we see Markinson putting on his full class A dress uniform. It is his suicide note] Dear Mr. and Mrs. Santiago, I was William's executive officer. I knew your son vaguely, which is to say I knew his ...
[the Tank Gang is watching the dentist] Deb: What have we got? Peach: Root canal, and by the looks of those X-rays, it's not going to be pretty. [Dentist drills and patient screams] Bloat: Rubber dam and clamp installed? Peach: Yep. Gurgle: What did ...
School of Fish: Hey, hey! You like impressions? Dory: Mmm-hmm. School of Fish: Okay, just like in rehearsal, gentlemen. [School takes form of swordfish] School of Fish: So, what are we? Take a guess. Dory: Oh, oh, I've seen one of those. School of Fi...
Richard Nixon: These men, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, I knew their families, I knew them since they were just kids. But you now, politically the pressure on me to let them go, that became overwhelming. So, I did it. I cut off one arm then I cut the other a...
Margaret Campbell: You're an honor student. If you transfer to Mrs. Gruwell's class, think how that'll reflect on your records. Victoria: It doesn't matter to me, my grades will still be the same. Look, Ms. Campbell, when I first transferred to this ...
Don Corleone: Call Bonasera. We need him now. [Tom Hagen calls Amerigo Bonasera] Tom Hagen: [on the phone] This is Tom Hagen, calling for Vito Corleone at his request. Now, you owe your Don a service. He has no doubt that you will repay him. In one h...