Human beings, all over the earth, have this curious idea that they ought to believe in a certain way, and can't really get rid of it.
Just for the record, I have come to fear all of your ideas in advance, simply from having endured enough of them.
Christians talk as though goodness was their idea but good behavior doesn't have any religious origin. Our prisons are filled with the devout.
The best salespeople are not salespeople, they’re people who’ve not only bought the product, but also bought into the idea of the company and the brand.
When a marriage fails, the story of the relationship changes. The best parts, the parts that made you think getting married was a good idea, fade from memory.
It was not evil that gave her the idea of pleasure, that seemed to her attractive; it was pleasure, rather, that seemed evil.
... the idea that 'Life' contains situations more interesting and more romantic than all the romances ever written.
The very idea of "managing" a forest in the first place is oxymoronic, because a forest is an ecosystem that is by definition self-managing.
Creativity and ideas fired between every synapse underneath my skin and I felt radiant from the inside out.
You see mother, you had no life of your own. They have no idea. One has only a life of one's own.
He soon recognized the fact that the stimulus proceeded from the idea to be in the power of a woman rather than from the act of violence itself.
Well. I am not afraid. But to protect you, Katerina, I will be discreet." Plain Kate considered a cat's idea of discretion, and was frightened.
I have no idea what's awaiting me, or what will happen when this all ends. For the moment I know this: there are sick people and they need curing.
Men command fewer words than they have ideas to express, and language, as Jean Paul said, is a dictionary of faded metaphors.
People don't believe in gods because they can't wrap their minds around the idea of someone allowing all the terrible things in the world to happen.
She had received ideas which disposed her to be courteous and kind to all, and to pity every one, as being less happy than herself.
I've never experienced peace in my life, and I don't want to. I don't trust the idea
This is how women are trained to stay indoors, she thought, the idea echoing in her mind like a gravesong. This is how women are trained not to act.
A brick could be used as the ultimate bug crusher. But why you’d use a brick as a shoe, I have no idea.
C'mon, Amory. Your romance is over You don't know how true you spoke. No idea. 'At's the whole trouble
My words and my ideas are my property, and I’ll keep and protect them as surely as I do my stable of unicorns.