Whether you're going to a museum or a flea market or flipping through a book, always be on the lookout for something special.
My husband and I go to Il Fico every Friday, and I get the whole-wheat pizza. I won't eat pizza anywhere else!
My motto in life is 'Take risks;' you don't have a voice if you don't. You have to venture outside your boundaries. That's what life's all about.
The sky is the limit as long as you keep the rooms practical, and I have become better at that since I had children. Function, form and organisation are all important.
I love to travel and to be inspired by new things, so everything is always new. I've never done the same bathroom or the same kitchen a second time. It's challenging, and I like to be challenged.
I would never shop from the Internet or a catalogue; otherwise, how am I going to educate my eye? I just love going out and searching for new things.
I definitely start early and keep items in mind throughout the year for key people in my life. I love wrapping everyone's gifts in hand-painted wallpaper sheets, which gives the gift extra love.
I love seeing people's reactions to gifts that I've created from my line, such as my gold horn ring, bottle openers, my 'Fallen' leather jacket and my Slither black and white sweater.
Nicole: You don't seem like you're from around here. Brandon: Where... where do I seem like I'm from? Nicole: Someplace... beautiful.
It can be really powerful to write something when you're sad.
Michel Delassalle: [embarrassing Christina in the dining room while she is trying to eat some distasteful fish] Everyone is looking at you. Swallow. Nicole Horner: It's disgusting! Michel Delassalle: Sorry? Nicole Horner: [angrily] Some things are ha...
By my mid-20s, I was a total mess.
The first person I ever really got starstruck over was Nicole Kidman, because I looked up to her. When I was younger, I wouldn't get parts because of how tall I was. I had the body of a 15-year-old but the face of a 12-year-old. I always looked at Ni...
I like solving problems, and science provides a logical way of solving real-life problems.
Oh my God, Nicole is killed? Oh my God, she is dead?
It takes two to make a relationship, but only one to screw it up.
Alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceutical drugs are legal, but they can hurt a lot of people.
There are movements which impinge upon the nerves with a strength that is incomparable, for movement has power to stir the senses and emotions, unique in itself.
Nothing is worse than a home that is too perfect and done. You have to live in it.
There wasn't an anhydrous lacrimal gland in the room...
Nicole can do anything that involves a ball and whistle.