Most people learn to improvise on their own, listening to records, endless hours of noodling on their instrument in the bedroom with all their spare time. That's traditionally how people learn.
Maybe I spent more time dwelling on emotions than some people, and maybe that's why I ended up writing.
People say the Internet's made of cats. The reason isn't because of cats; it's because people like to have an emotion where they say 'aww' all at the same time.
My grandmother lived with us for a short time while I was a child. Old people tend to be slightly more eccentric - they can behave the way they want.
The President is not squaring with the American people as to the seriousness of our nation's fiscal condition. It is time for people to stand up and tell the truth.
Y'know, you can't please all the people all the time... and last night, all those people were at my show.
You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can only make a monkey out of the voters every four years!
There was a time when people felt the internet was another world, but now people realise it's a tool that we use in this world.
I'm going to say this - to the people in Seattle, to all the people in Seattle that trust me, that believe in me - I'm going to say this: I'm not going to disappoint anybody.
I don't trust that many people. Just my mother and my wife and a couple of friends. When I trust people, it doesn't end well.
He is still my father. He is still a person I know I could trust and he would never do anything against me. Once you're at the top, there are not many people like that. People always want something from you.
It's so much easier to like people, and to let people in, to trust them until they prove that you should do otherwise. The alternative is being an iceberg.
There are some people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying.
Frances: I'm poor. Benji: That's actually offensive to poor people.
H.I.: Prison life is structured - more'n some people care for.
In a democracy there are only two types of power: there's organized people and organized money, and organized money only wins when people aren't organized.
It's inconceivable to some people that that wouldn't be the sexiest thing to do in the whole world: to be a movie star, and make money, and be pampered, and whatever.
A true capitalist doesn't have a job, because other people and other people's money work for them.
Some people it seems to me would like for me to crawl in a hole and disappear forever. That's just not in my nature.
If the people in Britain knew the nature and disposition of the New England people as well as we do they would not find so many friends in England as I suppose they do.
The only thing that white people have that black people need, or should want, is power-and no one holds power forever.