I think it's degrading of you, Flora,' cried Mrs Smiling at breakfast. 'Do you truly mean that you don't ever want to work at anything?' Her friend replied after some thought: 'Well, when I am fifty-three or so I would like to write a novel as good a...
If one has failed to develop curiosity and interest in the early years, it is a good idea to acquire them now, before it is too late to improve the quality of life. To do so is fairly easy in principle, but more difficult in practice. Yet it is sure ...
...Ty grabbed my phone and threatened to tell Otter that I liked being spanked during sex. This proceeded to lead up on a long tangent where I had to have him explain to me how he knows about stuff like people getting spanked during sex. H said he mi...
It always has been and always will be the same. The old folk of our grandfathers' young days sang a song bearing exactly the same burden; and the young folk of to-day will drone out precisely similar nonsense for the aggravation of the next generatio...
When did my house turn into a hangout for every grossly overpaid, terminally pampered professional football player in northern Illinois?" "We like it here," Jason said. "It reminds us of home." "Plus, no women around." Leandro Collins, the Bears' fir...
Mom: [Mason is leaving for college] This is the worst day of my life. Mason: What are you talking about? Mom: [Starts crying] I knew this day was coming. I just... I didn't know you were going to be so fucking happy to be leaving. Mason: I mean it's ...
Santosh Patel: Piscine, you cannot follow three different religions at the same time. Pi Patel (11: Why not? Santosh Patel: Because, believing in everything at once is the same thing as believing in nothing. Gita Patel: He is young, Santosh. He is st...
I wish that he would sink as deep in the ground as a hare can run in ten years.
There are four things in this life of which we have more than we think: faults, debts, years and enemies.
Thoughts are strange creatures. They lead you from one thing to another. Sometimes you don’t know how you got from one to the next.
Yeah, right. Instead of watching TV, we'll practice our weird magical powers. Great. What's next? Zooming around on flying carpets?
What? Really? And I thought I was just emotionally withdrawn.” She pulled her feet up, hugging her knees. “I’m also incapable going to be your next brilliant observation.
It’s ridiculous to repeat costly mistakes because you believe there is always a next chance. Mistakes may flow, but you have all it takes to close the canals they used!
Oh, China. How I have missed you.' 'And I have missed you, Eliza. But don't worry, next time my aim will be better.
Mothers! They promise you they'll never get married again, and next thing you know you're a bridesmaid.
I still have enough faith in language to believe that if I place enough words next to each other on the page, they will start to speak with sounds of their own.
To fully accept someone or something, means that you understand yourself enough to trust your own judgement and intuition, with this understanding full acceptance is inevitable and the next step possible.
Maybe there's more we all could have done, but we just have to let the guilt remind us to do better next time.
Whilst people have answered questions, I have only heard my own voice thinking of the next question.
Ivy!' I stammered, then glared at Kisten. 'You told Ivy? Thanks a hell of a lot. Want to call my mom next?
Never thought I’d intentionally sleep on a bathromm floor next to a toilet while sober, but I meant it when I said I would sleep anywhere with her.