The entire season, the show had never been aired for more than three weeks. You can't get an audience that way. They would never promo the show for the next week.
There's no statistical evidence that human beings have an ability to move in and out of the markets effectively. It's next to impossible.
The greatest man is he who forms the taste of a nation; the next greatest is he who corrupts it.
Of course, I have the emotional ups and downs of pregnancy, like crying jags for no reason and then the next day I can't even remember what I was crying about!
I looked massive next to Ryan Seacrest! But I was lucky that I've never had anyone say, 'Jordin, you need to lose weight.'
The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created - created first in the mind and will, created next in activity.
The conventions of an almighty agency tapping you for greatness and signing you up and telling you this is going to be the next big thing; that has not been my career.
Looking long term, a stronger, wealthier, and more stable Central America next door benefits the United States' own safety, security, and economy.
I got my dailies every day, although I couldn't always look at them because I was usually preparing for the next day's shoot, both as an actress and as the director.
There will be some tracks on the next album which that will consist of mostly noise and feedback, whereas others may just have guitar parts and samples.
The stuff I write I'm very proud of, but I'm smart enough to know I'll never get on the cover of 'Rolling Stone' next to Elvis Costello.
Charlene's thoughts: I'm next in the green jumper's Class. I thought I'd be in the red jumpers' class because of my red hair.
The next time someone gets on your nerves, remember your two choices: 1) share the problem; or 2) let them keep the problem to themselves.
When I meet a girl I like, I call her the next day. I don't play that three-day rule. Maybe that's psycho.
Both sides know the last election was just the beginning of the next election. It's clear there has been no attempt to have any kind of getting along.
I met my wife, Jennifer, while sitting next to her on the airplane on the way to England. I was heading to Oxford as a Marshall scholar.
You don't just have a story - you're a story in the making, and you never know what the next chapter's going to be. That's what makes it exciting.
If we think about the world peace as much as we think about what to eat next time only for a month, peace will be there.
I'm delighted to be Number 1, but next week I don't want people to buy my record, I want them to buy Band Aid.
Thankfully, I have a background as an actor, and you learn how to live in that world of not knowing what's going to happen next.
The reason the contracts are so long is because actors are very spontaneous; we may want to do Shakespeare one day and be Porky Pig the next!