Pythagoras took the next important step by subordinating the mere matter of nature to its essential principle of form and order, identifying the latter with reason or the soul.
People who avoid the brick walls - all power to ya, but we all have to hit them sometimes in order to push through to the next level, to evolve.
I've just finished my next collection, Possible Side Effects, and I'm now working on a collection of holiday stories as well as a memoir about my relationship with my father.
Be kind, don't judge, and have respect for others. If we can all do this, the world would be a better place. The point is to teach this to the next generation.
We seem to have a compulsion these days to bury time capsules in order to give those people living in the next century or so some idea of what we are like.
The big success stories - Facebook, Zynga and Twitter - are leading to investing in ideas on a napkin, because no one wants to miss out on the next big thing.
In every interview I have ever read or seen or taken part in, the final question in our future-oriented society is always, What next?
There is love there. And then there's times when I can't even stomach Simon. You don't have to sit next to him. That's all I have to say.
Because of my crazy work schedule, I have become something of a master at changing my clothes while driving. The men driving next to me love it.
The big turning point, really, was the Beatles' influence on American folk music, and then Roger took it to the next step, and then along came the Lovin' Spoonful and everybody else.
With my music, I don't have to stay in one lane. One day I'm in Motown, and the next day I'm in reggae.
I've come to the conclusion that a long, personal relationship is next to impossible for me. Ultimately, music is a possessive mistress.
I have been long associated with British music. I have favoured it as my alternate music next to American.
Every single morning, I have a person sitting right there next to me in prayer with a tape recorder - and a song comes up every day.
This enraged the other Nazi so much that the next morning he came to our house and he shot my father.
The next thing I knew, I was out of the service and making movies again. My first picture was called, GI Blues. I thought I was still in the army.
Ash: Now I swear the next one of you primates even *touches* me...
Mitt Romney, happens to have the exact skill set that the next president's going to require.
Insurance companies pay big bucks for procedures but next to nothing for patient consultations and preventive medicine, which is what most medicine is.
Every success and every bit of progress, is a building block for your next step.
I still believe Emmitt has enough left in the tank to be a productive back over the next couple of seasons.