Play a bigger part in doing more good in the world, it is good for you and for business.
I do not weep at the world I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife.
If you take care off your employees, they will take care of your business
..I met two young guys from the Oregon National Guard... The lieutenant told me about their temporary barracks in an old neighborhood high school. He told me that he was disgusted that kids ever went to school there, and that in Oregon the place woul...
Lutie Naylor: [the stranger has bought a round for the house] Let's see, one round for the house plus the smoke; that comes to about eight dollars and fifty cents. Sheriff Dan Shaw: [chuckling] There's no charge Lutie; you were at the meeting, anythi...
Lotso: Ken? New toys! Ken: Far out! Down in a jiff, Lotso. [goes down the elevator] Ken: So, who's ready for Ken's dream tour? Lotso: Let's show our new friends where they'll be staying! Ken: Uh, folks, if you'll just want to step right this way... [...
Let us hurry and finish up the food; when visitors arrive, the meal will be over.
There have been times when I could have succumbed to some form of bribe, or could have had my way by offering one. But ever since that night in Dover prison I have never been tempted to break my vow.. My Parents always drummed into me that all you ha...
The sooner we associate long hours and multitasking with incompetence and carelessness the better. The next time you hear boasts of executives pulling an all-nighter or holding conference calls in their cars, be sure to offer your condolences; it's g...
Building your "dream life" is filled with things that can feel like the opposite of a dream: Mistakes Delays Starting over Failure The building part is actually more of a rebuilding that is a continual process. The building is not linear in nature bu...
But, like all metaphoric wars, the copyright wars are not actual conflicts of survival. Or at least, they are not conflicts for survival of a people or a society, even if they are wars of survival for certain businesses or, more accurately, business ...
There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world...
Jimmy Johnston: Right here. Editorial says this fight is good as murder, and everybody associated with it should be hauled into court and prosecuted afterwords. They say the paper's gettin' all sorts of letters from people saying you're their inspira...
[Sunday dinner at the Corleone home... ] Sonny: Niggers havin' a real good time up in Harlem... Carlo Rizzi: I knew that was going to happen as soon as they tasted the big money. Connie: Papa never talked about business in front of the kids. Carlo Ri...
Sonny: Hey, whaddya gonna do, nice college boy, eh? Didn't want to get mixed up in the Family business, huh? Now you wanna gun down a police captain. Why? Because he slapped ya in the face a little bit? Hah? What do you think this is the Army, where ...
Sim Carstairs: Ten year I been ferryin' Kansas Redlegs, Union cavalry, Missouri guerillas... you name it. Mad dogs them guerillas. You look sideways at 'em... [snaps a rope like a noose] Sim Carstairs: they kill ya. Carpetbagger: Sound like hard men ...
Mmmm I like the sounds you're making," he murmured in a honeyed whisper. "I just bet that you're a screamer. Should I have brought earplugs? Kurt Nielsen
Where are you from? New York?" "Weird you picked up on that," she said, "I've been gone from there for so long." Like a couple of decades could dilute that accent.
Each poem holds the voice of a moment. Held within, they are contained, damned to silence; released, they fly into the world to find a new heart and a new home within, where they will speak again.
As a very young person, I was ready and willing to explore and try new things, unhampered by the daily routines that adults so often feel obligated to adhere to.
This I have known, and these have come again With echoing happiness in heart and brain; Time standing still, surrendering to me Beauty that otherwise would cease to be.