Love didn't make you weak, it made you stronger.
He'll come back," Simon said again. "For you.
A thick rivulet of lost blood reflects a city that will mourn but never die.
Humans have too many rights and not enough responsibilities. -Aras
My heart is your heart," he said. "My hands are your hands.
Voters might have short memories. Politicians do not.
L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle.
I don't want him to be in my passwords .. I want him for real !
You couldn’t live close to war and not have it grab you eventually.
The city buildings in the distance are holding up the sky, it seems.
Exploration is a dirty game.
Bombay is a city where gossip is treated as a commodity.
As long as there was coffee in the world, how bad could things be?
I just don't see why the past has to matter.
Ne želim biti muško.Želim biti tinejdžer koji se ne može suočiti s vlastitim demonima pa se umjesto toga verbalno iskaljava na drugim ljudima.
Here's a hot tip: Most girls don't like being stalked.
There's this thing of you can live in a city and be completely alone, not notice anything going on around you.
I'm a big foodie. Hyderabadi cuisine is amazing, and the kind of mutton dishes available at some restaurants in the Old City is incredible.
I really love Miami, but I don't think the architecture matches the city. It's a bit too commercial.
Divine Nature gave the fields, human art built the cities.
A city full of eight million people. It was all rather lonely sometimes.