... Paris was a city of love for unimaginative folks.
It was a musty sweet smell. "Is this plague city?
The city was alive, and so was he...
The trouble with those people is that they think all the best things are made in the cities. It is not so.
By 1946, I knew Detroit was the best hockey city in the Original Six.
Now this,' said Jace, 'is a situation.
My eyes are usually described as golden... and luminous.
Only people with no purpose are unhappy.
Sarcasm is the last refuge of the imaginatively bankrupt.
Call me crazy, but there is something terribly wrong with this city.
At present there is no distinction among the upper ten thousand of the city.
Every city is always changing, on its own trajectory.
I had an agent in Salt Lake City, but acting was more like a hobby.
La Paz, Bolivia, is the most extraordinary city.
The international game has changed for bidding cities.
Vancouver's a very child friendly city, there's... no doubt about that.
In some cities, McDonald's rules, but Seattle is ruled by teriyaki joints.
The arts are an integral part of the city's economic progress.
The road to the City of Emeralds is paved with yellow brick.
I used to go to school in Manhattan with a bunch of the City Kids.
For a city to be beautiful, it must have a mysterious air!