When we are reporting the news, we make every effort to report it in as factual way as possible.
Every time you start a company - and I've started five or six - you have the opportunity to screw up in whole new ways.
Dr. Murchison: The old must make way for the new, especially when the old is suspected of senility.
Ajax isn't a technology. It's really several technologies, each flourishing in its own right, coming together in powerful new ways.
The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment in order to grasp it in a new way.
When I hear bluegrass today, I hear so many new sounds in it. It's almost like country music in a way.
Because making movies is such an expensive endeavor, other media such as books and comics have long been a more feasible way to experiment with truly new ideas.
When the Constitution was written, the founders had no way of anticipating the new technologies that would evolve in the coming centuries.
New day -- new destiny.
[Leslie Bennett] You have a teenager who desperately wants to separate...If you don't have a career, these New Domesticity types are likely to find themselves standing in the kitchen with all these domestic skills and no outlet for them, no way to ea...
I say, 'Get me some poets as managers.' Poets are our original systems thinkers. They contemplate the world in which we live and feel obligated to interpret, and give expression to it in a way that makes the reader understand how that world runs. Poe...
New research into cognitive functioning—how the brain works—proves that bullet points are the least effective way to deliver important information. Neuroscientists are finding that what passes as a typical presentation is usually the worst way to...
I just have a hard time with small talk. My friend Jocelyn says I'm too quiet. But I'm really not quiet. I just tend to come across that way to new people because I don't like to talk first. What if the other person doesn't want to be bothered?
Stop allowing your outdated ideas to hinder your progress. How would your life be different if you became open to new information that can refine, improve, enhance your way of thinking, and empower your way of living?
My new book is going well. It’s practically writing itself! Actually, what I mean is I’m not writing it, my clone is.
I've got a particular way of writing novels, and that carries over into the way I write comics and games, too. I'm a news journalist by background, so I approach everything as reporting - I treat it as real, I ask the questions I'd ask in a real situ...
If the only way a library can offer an Internet exhibit about the New Deal is to hire a lawyer to clear the rights to every image and sound, then the copyright system is burdening creativity in a way that has never been seen before because there are ...
I think in many ways, I'm sort of a blank canvas, because in many ways, I'm just observing the world and the people around me and their characters and letting them kind of explode off me and to find out why they're doing what they're doing. But then ...
Excerpt: Paradox – Bound By Blood. The hands on a clock never falter, not for a second. One day ends; and a new begins. If there was one thing on this earth that could be counted on, it was that. Time never paused to mourn the dead. That particular...
Each sunrise brings a new day with new hopes for a new beginning.
Franklin: Hey man, you ever go in that slaughter room or whatever they call it? The place where they shoot cattle in the head with that big air gun? Hitchhiker: Oh, that gun's no good. Franklin: I was in there once with my uncle. Hitchhiker: The old ...