I'm a New Wave baby, so I got very stimulated by foreign film.
New Zealand is a place where you can get well.
Language is the alchemy of transforming a thought into a word, and the word into a new reality.
If you want a baby, have a new one. Don't baby the old one.
I take praise as not just a reward and a result but also as the beginning of a new process.
I think I brush the surface of being involved politically with the issues and the personalities in the news.
Saving a worthy relationship is easier than trying to start a new one.
Theater is a living creature. It takes a while to break in, like a new pair of shoes.
I'm not a big radio guy, I don't listen to whatever is the hip new thing.
With creative people, truly new horizons open up.
I've discovered a new video game called owning my home.
It is godlike ever to think on something beautiful and on something new.
I don't recall being excited about a new rapper, ever.
By letting go we become free to accept what is new.
College softball each year reaches new levels of interest.
I have fits of melancholia when I watch the news, but we all do, don't we?
In high school, I was kind of a loner because I had moved to a new school.
Though I'm a New Englander, I'm very indoorsy once the mercury drops.
So DeCSS didn't introduce anything new for pirating and had already been available.
Vanessa Loring: How do I look? Bren: Like a new mom. Scared shitless.
In the end, there will always be a fundamental difference of perspective between New Zealand and Australia on defense, whoever is in government.